E-mail number, year, status, location, country of arrival, status, date of occurrence and recipient's signature.
CP 183040569CN 2009 Export General Contracting Direct Seal issued by Guangzhou International, Canada on July 26th, 2009.
CP 183040569CN 2009 Export General Contracting Mutual Sealing and Opening Guangzhou International Canada July 26, 2009
CP 183040569CN 2009 Mutual Recognition Seal for Export General Contractor issued by Shenzhen International in Canada on July 25th, 2009.
CP 183040569CN 2009 Export General Contracting Mutual Sealing and Opening Shenzhen International Canada July 25, 2009
CP 183040569CN 2009 Receiving Office Receiving Goods from Taibai Distribution Department of Canada July 24, 2009
You can take that receipt to the delivery station to check the next receipt at the time of delivery, but it will take two months to get the result. Don't take this next time. It's better to take express delivery. It's faster and cheaper. Please leave me a message if you have any questions!
It is normal to say that international parcels arrive by surface mail within 60 days. It's best to check from the postal department in Canada to see if there are any records there, otherwise it can only be a query form.
Tracking number: CP 183040569CN
2009/09/01kloc-0/2: 42 Vancouver project was successfully delivered.
12:42 Signature image recorded for online viewing X Wu
08:58 Vancouver items have been sent.
2009/08/31kloc-0/6: 46 Richmond mail was handled at postal facilities.
16:26 Handling Richmond Project in Postal Facilities
Vancouver international goods will be subject to customs inspection when they arrive in Canada.
2009/07/26 13:59 International articles have left the country of origin and are on their way to Canada.
2009/07/24 18: 14 international mail is sent in the country of origin.
It has been signed for.