1. Copy the absolute path of JDK and bin directory of java (if it is the default installation, it should be similar to my path) C: \ Program files \ Java \ JDK1.8.0 _1\ bin.
2. Enter the cmd window and enter the bin directory (if you are a novice, enter CD C: \ program files \ Java \ JDK1.8.0 _11\ bin).
Enter the command? jarsigner-verbose-keystore d:\ project \ 360 wallpaper . keystore-signed jar d:\ qihu sign . apk d:\ qihu unsign . apk qihu 360
Change the signature to the path of your own signature, modify the name path of the generated apk file, then enter the path of the apk file to be signed, and finally enter the alias of your own signature.
(Novice, welcome to correct me)