Level of official rank
The official star is affectionate, and the greater the support received by the original bureau, the higher the official rank; the official star is ruthless, and the official star of the original bureau is controlled. The higher the degree, the higher the official rank. Whether it is aiding or restraining, the calculation of the degree is the most critical. The first is to look at the conjunction of the stems and branches; the second is to look at the secret meetings in the situation; the third is to look at the harmony of the stems and branches. Each time the student is born, the official rank will be one level higher; every time the system is made, the official rank will be one higher.
When the Seal Star is prosperous and the official star declines, the financial power is broken
If your seal star is very prosperous in your destiny and the power of the official star is too much used up, then There is no way to achieve a balance with the Sun Lord. At this time, the fortune star or fortune star appears to break the seal and adjust it. Then this can be regarded as the official star taking care of it, because wealth can help the official star. Even if it can break the seal star, the power of the official star can be regarded as increasing, which can also balance the destiny.
The eight characters include Tianyi, Lushen, Jiangxing and Wenchangxing
The noble person Tianyi is the most noble god among the eight characters, and is responsible for many wealthy people. A "must have" for people with their horoscopes. The so-called Lu God represents the edible national salary, such as Jiamu, the earthly branch, and Yin, Yimu, the earthly branch, and Mao, etc. The general star represents that the native has leadership skills and is suitable for management work. People with Wenchang star are smart and have the ability to turn misfortune into good luck. Those with Wenchang star are good at dancing and writing. People with this star will be naturally competent and relaxed in their official positions.
The fate is weak, there is a seven-kill star, and the God of Cookery successfully controls the kill
Generally, the seven-kill star is too strong, and does not like to be restrained, and cannot control it. Live, if food injuries occur, disaster will occur. For example, if the tiger is too ferocious, you will definitely be hurt if you go head-on. If you throw in some food and slowly guide it, you can defuse the tiger's ferocity. If the Seven Kills are too prosperous, you need a Seal Star to clear the level for good luck. The Seven Kills are not very prosperous, but since they are jealous gods, they can be killed with food wounds. But if the God of Cookery is too strong, it will be unlucky to kill too much. The God of Cookery is powerless, unable to control it and cannot achieve the desired effect.