Author: Qing editor
Publishing House: Tsinghua University Publishing House
Pricing: 33 pounds
Page count: 362
Release date: March 2005-1
Version: 1
Format: 185×230
Packaging: 1 is the first special teaching material about security protocol in China. The book is divided into 12 chapters, which comprehensively introduces the basic theory and key technologies of security protocols. The main contents include introduction; Cryptographic basis of security protocol; Authentication protocol; Non-repudiation agreement; Secure e-commerce protocol; Other types of security protocols; Class logic; Keira logic; Rubin logic; String space model; CSP method; Practical protocol SSL and its security analysis: security protocol attack; Security protocol design; Disclosure of security agreements; Development and prospect of security protocols, etc.
This book is well-selected, informative, focused, distinctive, and integrates theory with practice. It not only has the latest progress in security protocol research, but also has the author's scientific research achievements in this research field.
This book can be used as a teaching material for senior undergraduates and postgraduates majoring in information security, computer and communication, and can also be used as a reference for teaching, scientific research and engineering technicians engaged in related majors. Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1. 1 information system and information system security 1
1.2 information system attack and defense 3
1.2. 1 passive eavesdropping and active attack 3
1.2.2 information countermeasures 5 historical review
1.2.3 attack target and attack classification 8
1.2.4 intrusion detection technology 10
1.3 Basic Mathematics 14
1.3. 1 number theory basis 14
1.3.2 Algebraic Basis 20
1.3.3 Theoretical basis of computational complexity 23
1.4 material selection, organization and arrangement of this book 29
Chapter II Cryptographic Basis of Security Protocols 33
2. 1 Basic concepts of cryptography 34
2.2 Classic Cryptography 36
2.2. 1 transposition password 36
2.2.2 instead of password 37
2.2.3 Runner cipher machine 38
2.3 Block cipher 39
2.3. 1 block product cipher 40
Data encryption standard 40
2. 3. 3 Ideal Cryptosystem 46
2.3.4 Advanced encryption standard and Rijndael encryption algorithm 5 1
2.3.5 Working mode of block cipher 53
2.4 Public Key Cryptography 56
2.4. 1 Basic concept of public key encryption 57
2. 4. 2 hour backpack system 58
2.4.3RSA system 60
2. 4. 4 Rabin system 63
2.5 Digital Signature 66
2.5. 1 Basic concept of digital signature
2.5.2RSA digital signature 67
2.5.3 Digital signature standard 69
2.6 Hash function 7 1
2.6. 1 Basic concept of hash function 7 1
Secure hash standard 73
2.7 Summary 75
Exercise 76
Chapter 3 Authentication Protocol 78
3. 1 classic authentication protocol 79
3. 1. 1NSSK protocol 79
3. 1.2NSPK protocol 80
3. 1.3 tway? Rees protocol 8 1
3. 1.4Yahalom protocol 82
3. 1.5Andrew secure RPC protocol 83
3. 1.6 "big-mouthed frog" protocol 83
3.2 Discussion on Authentication Protocol Attacks 84
3. 2. 1 Dolev? Yao model 84
3.2.2 Knowledge and ability of the attacker 85
3.2.3 replay attack 85
3.3 Attacks on Traditional Authentication Protocols 86
3.3. 1 Attack NSSK protocol 86
3.3.2 Attacks on the NSPK Protocol
3.3.3 for Otway? "Type Defect" Attack of Rees Protocol 88
3.3.4 Attack on Yahalom
3.3.5 Attacks against Andrew's secure RPC protocol 90
3.3.6 Attacking the "Big Frog" Protocol 90
3.4 Other important authentication protocols 9 1
3.4. 1Kerberos protocol 9 1
Helsinki Protocol 96
3.4.3Woo? Lam one-way authentication protocol 98
3.5 Other Examples of Authentication Protocol Attacks 100
Three New Methods of Attacking A(0) Protocol
3.5.2 A New Method of Attacking NSSK Protocol 103
3.5.3 attack Otway? Two new methods of Rees protocol 104
3.6 Further Discussion on Authentication Protocol 106
3.6. 1 Difficulties in Design and Analysis of Authentication Protocol
3.6.2 Classification of authentication protocols 107
3.6.3 Design Principle of Authentication Protocol 108
3.7 Summary 109
Exercise 1 10
Chapter 4 Class Logic 1 12
4. 1 class logic 1 12
4. Grammar and semantics of1.1ban logic component 1 13
4. 1.2 inference rules of class logic 1 14
4. 1.3 class logic 1 16 reasoning steps
4.2 analyze NSSK protocol 1 16 with BAN logic.
4.2. 1 Analyze the original NSSK protocol with BAN logic 1 16.
4.2.2 Apply BAN logic to analyze the improved NSSK protocol 120.
4.3 analyze Otway with BAN logic? Rees agreement 122
4.4 Applying BAN logic to analyze Yahalom protocol 124
4.5 Class Logic 127
4. 5. 1 Neset's criticism of class logic 128
4. 5. 2 Class Logic 129
4.6SVO logic 133
4.6. 1SVO logic characteristics 133
4.6.2SVO Syntax of SVO logic 133
4.6.3SVO semantics of svo logic 136
4.6.4 Applying SVO logic to analyze A(0) protocol 139.
4.6.5 Applying SVO logic to analyze the improved A(0) protocol 14 1.
4.7 Discussion on Authentication Protocol and BAN Class Logic 143
4.8 Summary 148
Exercise 149
Chapter 5 Non-repudiation Protocol and Secure Electronic Commerce Protocol 150
5. 1 undeniable protocol 150
5. 1. 1 Basic concept of undeniable protocol 150
5. 1.2 basic symbol 152
5. 1.3 example of undeniable protocol 152
5. 1.4 Applying SVO logic to analyze undeniable protocol 154
5.2 Basic concepts of secure e-commerce protocol 159
5.2. 1 Basic requirements of secure e-commerce protocol
5.2.2 Basic structure of secure e-commerce protocol 159
5.2.3 Classification of secure e-commerce protocols 160
5.3 Typical secure e-commerce protocol 160
5. 3. 1 setting protocol
5.3.2IBS protocol 16 1
5.3.3ISI Protocol 162
5. 3. 4 Network Billing Protocol 163
The first virtual protocol 164
5.3.6iKP Agreement 164
5.3.7 Online digital currency Protocol 165
5.3.8 offline digital currency protocol 166
5. 3. 9 weeks? Gorman agreement 168
5.4iKPI protocol 169
5.4. 1iKPI scheme summary 169
5.4.2iKPI background of ikpi protocol 170
5.4.3iKPI system model and safety requirements of ikpi protocol 17 1
5.4.4iKPI Basic Process of iKPI Protocol 173
5.4.5iKPI security analysis of ikpi protocol 177
5.4.6iKPI implements the iKPI Protocol 178.
5.5 Trusted Third Party in Secure Electronic Commerce Protocol 179
5.5. 1 TTP Protocol III
5.5.2 Role of TP 180
5.5.3 Simple example 180
5.6 Three Trusted Third Party Protocols and Their Analysis 18 1
5. 6. 1 embedded TTP protocol example-Coffey? Saidha protocol 18 1
5.6.2 Example of online TTP protocol -CMP 1 protocol 183
5.6.3 offline TTP protocol example -asokan? Shoup? Weidner Agreement 185
5.7 Summary 187
Exercise 188
Chapter VI Formal Analysis of Secure Electronic Commerce Protocol 190
6. 1 open logic 190
6. 1. 1 open logic element 190
6. 1.2Kailar inference rules of Kailar logic 192
6. 1.3 Further explanation of Kailar logic 193
6. Kailar analysis steps of1.4 Kailar logic 193
6.2 Applying Kailar logic to analyze secure e-commerce protocol 194
6.2. Security Analysis of1CMP1Protocol 55438+094
6. 2. 2 weeks? Security analysis of Gollman protocol 197
6.2.3IBS Security Analysis of IBS Protocol 198
6.3 Defects of Kailar Logic and Its Improvement 200
6. 3. 1 gloria logic defect analysis 200
6.3.2 Overview of new methods 200
6.3.3 Basic Symbol 20 1
6.3.4 Concept and definition
Inference rule 203
6.3.6 Step 204 of Protocol Analysis
6.4 Analysis example of new form method 204
6.4. 1ISI protocol analysis 204
6.4.2 Analysis of CMP1Protocol 206
6. 4. 3 weeks? Analysis of Gollman protocol 207
6.5 Comparison of two forms of analysis methods 209
6.6 Summary 209
Exercise 2 10
Chapter 7 Other types of security protocols 2 12
7. 1 Zero-knowledge Proof Technology and Zero-knowledge Protocol 2 12
7. 1. 1 basic concept 2 12
7. 1.2Quisquater? Guillon zero knowledge protocol 2 13
7. 1.3 Hamilton Loop Zero Knowledge Protocol 2 14
7.2 Brother Fei? Fiat? Chamil authentication protocol 2 15
7.3 Other identification protocols 2 18
7.3. 1Schnorr identification protocol218
7. 3. 2 kamoto identification protocol 2 19
7.4 Smart Poker Protocol 220
7.4. 1 Basic concepts 220
7. 4. 2 Chamil? Rivest? Aderman Smart Poker Protocol 220
7. 4. 3 Chamil? Rivest? Security Analysis of Adleman Intelligent Poker Protocol 222
7.5 Forgetting Transfer Protocol 223
7.5. 1 Basic concepts 223
7.5.2Blum Forgetting Transfer Protocol 223
7.5.3Blum Security Analysis of Blum Forgetful Transport Protocol 225
7.5.4 Fair Coin Flip Agreement 226
7.6 Key Management Protocol 228
7.6. 1Shamir threshold scheme 229
7. 6. 2 Obscene? Bloom threshold scheme 236
7. 6. 3 Defoe? Herman key exchange protocol 238
7.6.4Matsumoto? Takashima? Imai key agreement protocol 239
7.7 Summary 240
Exercise 24 1
Chapter 8 Rubin logic 242
8. Introduction to1Rubin Logic 242
8.2 Applying Rubin Logical Specification Protocol 243
8.2. 1 Global Settings 243
8.2.2 Local Settings 244
Trust matrix 245
8.2.4 Temporary Value Note 246
8.2.5 Action 246
Update function 249
8.2.7 Inference rules 249
8.3 Rubin logic analysis protocol 25 1
8.4 Rubin logic of asymmetric encryption system 252
8.4. 1 characteristics of asymmetric encryption system 252
8.4.2 Key Binding 252
8.4.3 Action 253
Update function 254
8.4.5 Inference rules 254
8.5 Summary 256
Exercise 257
Chapter 9 Typical Practical Protocol -SSL Protocol 259
9. Introduction to1SSL protocol 259
9. 1. 1SSL protocol development 259
9.1.2 hierarchy of SSL protocol 260
9. Encryption algorithm supported by1.3 SSL protocol 260
Communication theme of 9. 1.4SSL protocol 260
9.2 Status 26 1
9.2. 1 session state and connection state 26 1
9.2.2 Preparation Status and Current Operation Status 262
9.3 Recording Protocol Layer 263
9.3. 1 workflow 264
9.3.2 MAC generation method of MAC 265
9.4 Change password specification protocol 265
9.5 Alarm Protocol 266
9. 5. 1 Close notification message 266
9. 5. 2 Error Alert Message 267
9.6 Handshake Protocol Layer 267
9.6. 1 handshake process 267
9.6.2 Handshake Message 269
9.7 Application Data Protocol 278
9.8 Key Generation 278
9.8. 1 Generate master_secret278 through pre_master_secret.
9.8.2 Generate MAC secret, key and IVs279 through master_secret.
9.9 About Verification 280
9. 10 Summary 280
Exercise 28 1
Chapter 10 SSL protocol security analysis 282
10. 1 attack against SSL protocol 282
10. 1. 1 Exhaustive attacks on searching for 40-bit RC4 keys 282
The 10. 1.2 is obtained by exploiting the flaw of RSA PKCS# 1 coding method.
pre? The attack of master secret 283
10.2 analyzing the security of SSL protocol from the perspective of technical realization 287
10.2. 1 security of handshake protocol layer 287
10.2.2 security of recording protocol layer 292
Formal analysis of 10.3SSL protocol56666/kloc-0 /46666.6666666666866
10.3. 1 choice form analysis tool 294
A Brief Comment on Rubin's Logic 10.3.2 294
10.3.3 applies Rubin logic specification SSL protocol 295.
Applying Rubin logic to analyze the mode of SSL protocol
10.4 Summary 304
Exercise 305
Chapter 1 1 String Space Model 306
Introduction to 1 1. 1 306
1 1.2 string space model foundation 308
On the basic concepts of 1 1.2. 1 strand space model50000.000000000605
1 1.2.2 Causal Dependence between Clusters and Nodes 309
Project 1 1.2.3 and Cipher 3 10.
1 1.2.4 Free Hypothesis 3 12
11.3 attackers in the strand space model 3 13
1 1.3. 1 attacker string 3 14
1 1.3.2 A group of attackers 3 15
1 1.4 concept of correctness 3 16
1 1.5 Example of string space model analysis method 3 17
1 1.5. 1NSL string space317
1 1.5.2 Consistency: Respondents guarantee 3 18.
1 1. 5. 3 spk protocol321
1 1.5.4 confidentiality: the temporary value of the respondent is 32 1.
1 1.5.5 confidentiality and consistency: the organizer guarantees 323
Ideal and honesty 324
1 1.6. 1 ideal2666566
1 1.6.2 breakthrough point and integrity 325
1 1.6.3 More boundaries of attacker 3225
1 1.7Otway? Rees protocol 327
1 1.7. 1Otway? Strand space model of Rees protocol 327
1 1 . 7 . 2 tway? "Confidentiality" of Rees Protocol 329
1 1 . 7 . 3 tway? "Authenticity" of Rees Protocol 330
1 1.8 Summary 333
Exercise 334
Chapter 12 New progress of security protocol 336
12. 1CSP model and analysis method 336
12. 1. 1 process 336
Operator 337 in 12. 1.2CSP model.
Tracking model in 12. 1.3CSP method338
12. 1.4CSP model analysis outline 340
12. 1.5CSP model analysis example 34 1
On the further development of the chord space theory of12.2.50000.000000000605
12.2. 1 certification test method 344
12.2.2 The strand space model method was used for analysis.
Comparison of two analysis methods 346
12.3 string space model and BAN class logic 347
12.4 Analysis method of other security protocols 349
12.4. 1 reasoning proof method 349
12.4.2 Proof of construction method 349
12.4.3 Analysis Method Based on Protocol Tracing 350
Design of 12.5 security protocol
Design principles of security protocol 35 1
12.5.2 Applying formal methods to guide the design of security protocols 352
Development and prospect of 12.6 security protocol 353
12.6. 1 granularity and scope of application of formal model 353
Other important issues of security protocols 355
Open problems and development trend of security protocol research 356
12.7 Summary 360
Exercise 360
Reference 36 1