Generally, this kind of error is mostly caused by the failure of signature collection, and the reasons for the failure of signature collection are various. Next, these solutions are listed in a unified way, hoping to help everyone:
1, APPID and APPSECRET are not filled in correctly.
You can get access_token from the official debugging page to see if it is correct. Click get to get access_token.
According to the returned results, you can judge whether there are errors in APPID and APPSECRET in the page. If there are no errors, you can click Get jsapi_ticket.
Use the access_token obtained above to request jsapi_ticket through http GET, and if there is an error, the corresponding description will be returned.
2. The daily access_token acquisition limit has been exceeded.
The official limit is 2000 requests per day, so it is easier to exceed this limit if access_token is not cached.
3. Check whether the status of WeChat WeChat official account is abnormal.
For example, the verification expired and was banned.
4. Confirm the non-center in the configuration.
The standard capital S and timestamp of hump in js are consistent with the corresponding non-central timestamp used in signature.