The expression of true intentions of both parties, dated and signed, is legally binding without violating the existing laws and regulations.
Referring to Article 12 of the Contract Law, the contents of a contract shall be agreed by the parties, and generally include the following clauses:
(1) The name and domicile of the party concerned;
(2) Subject matter;
(3) quantity;
(4) quality;
(5) Price or remuneration;
(6) Time limit, place and method of performance;
(7) Liability for breach of contract;
(8) Methods for resolving disputes.
The parties may conclude a contract by referring to the model texts of various contracts.
Article 44 A legally established contract shall come into force upon its establishment.
Guarantees and agreements signed voluntarily are valid.
To have legal effect, three conditions must be met:
1, letter of guarantee and letter of commitment are the true meaning of one party;
2. Letter of guarantee. The content of the undertaking does not violate the relevant provisions of laws and regulations;
3. Letter of guarantee. The content of the undertaking does not violate the principle of public order and good customs.
Written evidence has legal effect if it bears legal responsibility. Written evidence signed by the parties has legal effect as long as it does not violate the law, is voluntary and is a true expression of will. If it is signed under duress, it is invalid. If written evidence has no clear legal responsibility, it is not legally binding.