The main purpose of artistic signature design is to seek the best shape for writing names and characters, and apply it to actual signature writing. Personalized signature with artistic beauty is an important external means to reflect a person's taste. Design signature is more and more common in handwriting identification because of its unique structure, font and stroke shape, high artistry and anti-counterfeiting. Facts have proved that a good signature sometimes has more anti-counterfeiting effect than a seal, and artistic signatures often have better anti-counterfeiting effect. Because of this, artistic signatures are used by more and more people. Designers of artistic signatures are not confined to the norms of calligraphy, but carefully arranged according to the stroke characteristics, visual effects and writing rules of names and characters. The artistic signature is recognizable.
Generally, there are two steps to identify artistic signatures: first, carefully observe and initially identify the design forms and categories of artistic signatures from the general situation; The other is to restore according to the characteristics of different types of artistic signature words for easy identification. The first step is the foundation. If you can't determine the type of artistic signature, you can't identify it. The second step is the key. Only by combining the characteristics of artistic signature with targeted recognition can we achieve the purpose of identifying artistic signature words.