Current location - Quotes Website - Personality signature - Thinkphp5. 1 wechat applet payment
Thinkphp5. 1 wechat applet payment
After studying for a few days, I also encountered a pit. Baidu has been studying for a long time. Now I finally finished writing it and share it with you.

I also wrote this with reference to others. Friends who don't understand can ask me.

Common function unifiedorder($order_no, $openid, $total_fee, $attach, $order_id, $user_id){

//Current time

$ time = time();

//Generate a random string

$ non castr = MD5($time。 $ OpenID);

// API parameters

$params = [

appid ' = & gt$ this-& gt; appid,? //applet id assigned by WeChat

attach ' = & gt$attach,? //Additional data is returned as it is in the query API and payment notice, and can be used as a user-defined parameter.

Body' => membership card? //Description of raised funds

mch _ id ' = & gt$ this-& gt; Mchid,//Merchant number of WeChat payment allocation

nonce _ str ' = & gt$ nonceStr,? //Random string, within 32 bits.

notify _ url ' = & gt$ this-& gt; notify_url,// base_url()。 notice.php? S =/task/notify/order/wxapp _ id/'。 $ wxapp _ id,//asynchronous notification address.

openid ' = & gt$openid,? //user id; Trade_type=JSAPI, this parameter must be passed, and it is the unique identification of the user under the merchant appid.

out _ trade _ no ' = & gt$order_no,? //Merchant's bill number

spbill _ create _ ip ' = & gt\ request()-& gt; Ip (),//terminal IP; IP addresses supporting IPV4 and IPV6 formats. Call the machine IP of wechat payment API

Total _ fee' => (int) $ total _ fee *100,//Price: unit? //Price: unit minute

' trade _ type ' = & gtJSAPI ',? //Transaction type


//Generate signature

$ params[' sign ']= $ this-& gt; makeSign($ params); ? //This place is the worst. What is needed is 1, appid, and the configuration of merchant number must be in a binding state.

//request API

$ URL = '/pay/unified order ';

$ result = $ this-& gt; Post ($url, $ this-& gt;; to XML($ params));

$ prepay = $ this-& gt; from XML($ result);

//Add prepaid id

$data = [

user _ id ' = & gt$user_id,

order _ id ' = & gt$order_id,

attach ' = & gtjson_encode($attach),

' prepay _ id ' = & gt$prepay['prepay_id'],


(new applewxprepreset())-& gt; addInfo($ data);

//The request failed

if($ prepay[' return _ code ']= = = ' FAIL '){

return[API _ CODE _ NAME = & gt; 2000004,API _ MSG _ NAME = & gt$ prepay[' return _ msg ']];


if($ prepay[' result _ code ']= = = ' FAIL '){

return[API _ CODE _ NAME = & gt; 2000004,API _ MSG _ NAME = & gt$ prepay[' err _ code _ des ']];


//Generate nonce_str for front-end use.

$ paySign = $ this-& gt; make paysign($ params[' nonce _ str '],$prepay['prepay_id'],$ time);

Return [

' prepay _ id ' = & gt$prepay['prepay_id'],

nonceStr ' = & gt$ nonceStr,

Time stamp' => (string) $time,

Payment Flag' =>$ Payment Flag




* Generate signature

* @param $values

* @return string This function does not contain a sign member variable. If you want to set the signature, you need to call the SetSign method to assign a value.


Private function makeSign (value)


//Signature Step 1: Sort the parameters in dictionary order.

ksort($ values);

$ string = $ this-& gt; toUrlParams($values);

//Signature Step 2: Add the KEY after the string.

$string = $string。 & key ='. $ this-& gt; apikey

//Signature Step 3: MD5 encryption

$ string = MD5($ string);

//Signature Step 4: Capitalize all characters.

$ result = strtoupper($ string);

Return $ result



* format parameters are formatted as url parameters.

* @param $values

* @ Returns a string


Private function toUrlParams (value)


$ buff =“”;

foreach($ values as $ k = & gt; $v) {

If ($k! =' symbol'& $ v! =“”& amp; & amp! is_array($v)) {

$buff。 = $k . '= '。 $ v。 ' & amp;' ;



Return to trim ($buff,'&');



* simulate POST request

* @param $url

* @param array $ data

* @param bool $useCert

* @param array $sslCert

* @ Return to Blend


Public function post($url, $data = [], $useCert = false, $sslCert = [])


$header = [

Content type: application/JSON; ' charset=UTF8 '


$ curl = curl _ init();

curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_URL,$ URL);

curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$ header);


curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);



curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$ data);

if ($useCert == true) {

//Set the certificate: cert and key belong to two. Pem file.

curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE,' PEM ');

curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLCERT,$ SSL cert[' cert PEM ']);

curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE,' PEM ');

curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_SSLKEY,$ SSL cert[' keyPem ']);


$ result = curl _ exec($ curl);

curl _ close($ curl);

Return $ result



* output xml characters

* @param $values

* @ return bool | string


Private function toXml($values)


If (! is _ array($ values)| | count($ values)& lt; = 0) {

Returns false


$ xml = " & ltxml >;

foreach($ values as $ key = & gt; $val) {

if (is_numeric($val)) {

$xml。 = " & lt。 $key。" >。 Val, $ TERM. “& lt/" .$key。" >;

} Otherwise {

$xml。 = " & lt。 $key。" & gt& lt! [CDATA["。 $ TERM. " ]]& gt; & lt/" .$key。" >;



$xml。 = " & lt/XML >; ;

Return $ xml



* convert xml into an array

* @ param$XML

* @ Return to Blend


Private functions from Xml ($xml)


//reference to external xml entities is prohibited.

libxml _ disable _ entity _ loader(true);

Returns JSON _ decode (JSON _ encode (SimpleML _ load _ string ($ XML,' SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);



* generate wage sign

* @ param $ nonceStr

* @ param $ prepaid _id

* @param $timeStamp

* @ Returns a string


Private function makePaySign($ non centr, $prepay_id, $timeStamp)


$data = [

appId ' = & gt$ this-& gt; appid,

nonceStr ' = & gt$ nonceStr,

package ' = & gtprepay_id= '。 $prepay_id,

signType ' = & gtMD5 ',

Time stamp' = > $ Time stamp,


//Signature Step 1: Sort the parameters in dictionary order.

ksort($ data);

$ string = $ this-& gt; toUrlParams($ data);

//Signature Step 2: Add the KEY after the string.

$string = $string。 & key ='. $ this-& gt; apikey

//Signature Step 3: MD5 encryption

$ string = MD5($ string);

//Signature Step 4: Capitalize all characters.

$ result = strtoupper($ string);

Return $ result


/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WeChat call back * * * * * * * * * *

Public function getNotify ()


If (! $ XML = file _ get _ contents(' PHP://input '){

$ this-& gt; ReturnCode(5000000 1,' No data found');


//Convert the XML data returned by the server into an array.

$ data = $ this-& gt; from XML($ XML);

$ payLog = new apple payLog();

//Record the log

$ payLog-& gt; addInfo([' content ' = & gt; JSON _ encode($ XML)]);

$ payLog-& gt; addInfo([' content ' = & gt; JSON _ encode($ data)]);

//Instantiate the billing model

$ order model = new apple order();

//billing information

$ order info = $ order model-& gt; getInfo([' id ' = & gt; $data['attach']],' * ');

if (empty($orderInfo)) {

$ this-& gt; ReturnCode(5000000 1+0,' Bill does not exist');


if($orderInfo['pay_status']! = 1 || ! empty($ orderInfo[' pay _ time ']){

$ this-& gt; ReturnCode(5000000 1,' The order has been paid, please don't pay again');


//Save the signature sign returned by WeChat server.

$ data sign = $ data[' sign '];

$ return _ code = $ data[' return _ code '];

$ result _ code = $ data[' result _ code '];

$data['body'] =' membership card';

$ data[' sp bill _ create _ IP ']= \ request()-& gt; IP();

$ data[' notify _ URL ']= $ this-& gt; Notification _ url

//The sign and s parameters do not participate in the signature algorithm.

unset($ data[' sign ']);

unset($ data[' transaction _ id ']);

unset($ data[' coupon _ id ']);

unset($ data[' coupon _ type ']);

unset($ data[' coupon _ count ']);

unset($ data[' coupon _ fee ']);

unset($ data[' time _ end ']);

unset($ data[' return _ code ']);

unset($ data[' result _ code ']);

unset($ data[' is _ subscribe ']);

unset($ data[' fee _ type ']);

unset($ data[' bank _ type ']);

unset($ data[' bank _ type ']);

//Generate signature

$ sign = $ this-& gt; makeSign($ data);

//Judge whether the signature is correct? Judging the payment status

if(($ sign = = = $ data sign)& amp; & amp($ return _ code = = ' SUCCESS ')& amp; & amp($ result _ code = = ' SUCCESS '){

$ order model-& gt; start trans();

Try {

//Business processing of successful bill payment

$ apple orderinfo = $ order model-& gt; Where (['ID' = > $ orderInfo[' id ']])-& gt; Lock (true)-> find();

$ result = $ apple orderinfo-& gt; addInfo([' pay _ status ' = & gt; 2,' pay _ time ' = & gttime()],[' id ' = & gt; $ orderInfo[' id ']]);

If (! $result){

$ order model-& gt; roll back();

$ this-& gt; ReturnCode(5000003,' Failed to modify the order, failure reason:'. $ order model-->; getError());


$ appleUserModel = new AppleUser();

$appleUserInfo =? $ apple user model-& gt; Where (['OpenID' = > $ orderInfo[' OpenID ']])-& gt; Lock (true)-> find();

$ apple user = $ apple userinfo-& gt; Where (['OpenID' = > $ orderInfo[' OpenID ']])-& gt; SetInc ('moxibustion', $ TERM info ['moxibustion']);

If (! $appleUser){

$ order model-& gt; roll back();

$ this-& gt; ReturnCode(5000003,' Failed to add acupuncture times of members, failure reason:'. $ apple user model-& gt; getError());


}catch (\Exception $exception){

$ order model-& gt; roll back();

$ this-& gt; ReturnCode(5000003,' Operation failed, failure reason:'. $ exception->; getMessage());


$ order model-& gt; commit();

//Return status

die(JSON([' code ' = & gt; 0,' Payment succeeded']);


//Return status

$ this-& gt; Return code (200003,' Signature Failed');
