signature means signature in Chinese; Signature.
phrase collocation:
key signature key signature. Signature tune signal song. Digital signature digital signature. Time signature time signature. Biometric signature biometric mark. Signature verification signature verification; Signature verification; Sign to verify. Authorized signature authorized signature; Authorized signature; Authorized to sign.
signature card; Signature card. Signature dishes; Special dishes; Special meal. Official signature; Formal signature; Formal signing. Chemical characteristics of chemical signature. Valid signature valid signature. Signature song's famous song; Classic songs; Masterpiece.
Bilingual example:
1. Acceleration is the? signature? Of our time.
acceleration is a distinctive feature of our times.
2、The digital services tax now awaits the? signature? Of President Emmanuel Macron.
The digital service tax is currently waiting for French President Emmanuel Macron to sign it.
3、The woman faked her spouse's? Signature.
That woman forged her husband's signature.
4、My? signature? Is extremely hard to counter it.
My signature is extremely difficult to counterfeit.
5、Many of the papers bore his flamboyant? Signature.
Many newspapers are printed with his fancy signature.