Imprint is a physical book published by the author with the author's autograph or blessing on it. Special sign refers to a special sign, which allows the author to write some words in addition to signing the author's name. Stamping is to customize the signature template and make a signature that can be stamped repeatedly.
Support signature and special signature:
Personal signature is the author's personal signature, directly signing his own name, and special signature refers to special signature. Besides signing the author's name, the author can also write some words. First, it is necessary to determine whether the author is willing to give it and whether it can be specially signed. The number is limited, and the top number can receive the author's special signature. Secondly, the price of special signature is higher than that of personal signature.
In TB, we must first make sure that the author is willing to give it and can give it a special sign. Some stores will directly write down the special signing conditions in the baby details (such as placing an order ten minutes before the sale, no postage, etc.). ). If these conditions are met, you can naturally get a special sign.
If you don't write, first determine whether this store and the author have a long-term cooperative relationship. If not, it won't work. If so, you can ask the author if it is inconvenient to buy books in this store, and make a special note. If it's inconvenient, there's nothing we can do.