1. Disable the quick start: win+x, select the power option, select the function of the power button, change the unavailable settings and cancel the quick start.
2. Restart the computer, and press F8 to see if you can enter the menu of advanced startup options (as shown in the figure). If you can, press the arrow key to choose to disable the driver's forced signature, and then complete the startup, and you can install the driver.
3. It is not excluded that some computers can't enter the advanced startup options after pressing F8 after disabling the fast startup. For example, this is the case with my computer. The solution is: win+x, and select the command prompt (administrator). In English, enter bcdedit/set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy, then press enter, restart after the operation is successfully completed, and press F8 to enter the advanced startup option. Then follow the second step.
4. Description:
(1) Some computers can realize the third step without fast startup;
(2) The third step is to change the startup into the classic traditional startup mode through the command prompt operation. To change to the standard mode, just repeat the third step and change the input to "bcdedit/set {default} bootmenupolicy standard".