And Zhiwei is really worthy of what the king of Chu has done for her. Men's clothes are exquisite and handsome, women's clothes are feminine, and they speak politely. They are smart and proficient in strategy. A golden lion king, He Lianzheng, can be an enemy of Tiansheng for her words and die with her. "As long as I live, I will keep you safe all my life." Gu Nanyi, an excellent master who doesn't understand emotions, has experienced the changes of the world because of her ignorance. From then on, she will cry, laugh and worry. "Gu Nanyi, only the phoenix knows the micro, never leave, never leave." In fact, everyone in Tiansheng's long songs is a wonderful person, and it can't be analyzed for three days and three nights.
"Nothing in this world can achieve Ben Happy Wang except you."
"Even if I go to the ends of the earth, I will find you."
"I swear, I will never marry Yining in my life. If I break this oath, I will be stunned and I will never live again. "
"Zhiwei, we missed it."
"Ning implement, why do we always say goodbye. Maybe it's just goodbye between you and me. Maybe it's because we have never said goodbye properly. "
In the last scene of confrontation with the Seven Emperors Ning Qi, Yining came out slowly with sadness and indifference, gently closed her eyes without saying a word, and when she spoke again, she called herself me. The camera turned to Feng Zhiwei's side face, where he couldn't see the expression clearly. After so many years of struggle and blood, she can't get back the little civet cat and the little tailor.
"If there is an afterlife, let's be ordinary people."
"Although the rest of my life is as slow as a knife, I can't cut it off and walk with you. Because of this world, there are still unfinished wishes for you and me-so that this world will not have tyrant politics, ignorance of statutes, shame of greed, and injustice of good people. At that time, Yining can smile at you. "
After all, I had a wrong dream.
This summer, it is difficult to find a solution.