The main features of a new generation of LIS system are:
① patient specimen-centered
② high enough reliability of data transmission
③ real-time requirement
④ higher requirements are put forward for data backup and data security.
The main requirements for the LIS system in the new era:
(1) Broaden the management scope of the LIS system and further simplify the working procedure
If the use of automatic analytical instruments replaces manual experiments, the analysis work will be automated; The existing LIS system makes the data management after analysis computerized and improves the work efficiency, so the new generation LIS system will incorporate all links before analysis into computer management. These links include doctors filling out laboratory sheets, nurses drawing blood, re-grouping and numbering specimens in laboratories, inputting patient data, and even reading experimental items with analytical instruments.
⑵ paperless laboratory
On the one hand, paperless laboratory reduces the work for doctors to fill out inspection application forms, on the other hand, it reduces the opportunities for laboratory pollution analysis reports, which is significant for preventing nosocomial infection. This "paperless" is realized by bar code.
(3) adopting a new technical means-introduction of bar code
In the blood drawing room, the nurse typed the bar code according to the contents transferred from the workstation and pasted it on the blood drawing test tube, and the test application form no longer entered the laboratory with the specimen. The laboratory calls the patient data and the applied test items by reading the bar code. The final experimental results are not printed in the laboratory, but sent back to the server through the network for doctors to inquire. This is the so-called "paperless" process of laboratory. But we should realize that "paperless" is not the goal, what we need is the benefits brought by "paperless". In addition to the significance of preventing nosocomial infection mentioned above, "paperless" also greatly simplifies the workflow and causes changes in the working mode.
(4) Changes in the working mode of the laboratory
① Before analysis
In the original mode, after receiving the specimen wrapped with the inspection application form, the laboratory separated the application form from the test tube, regrouped it, and numbered the application form and the test tube with a marker. The inspection application form is sent to the entry personnel for patient data entry, and then to the analysis instrument operator to input the items to be tested. This process may not be cumbersome in small hospitals, but it takes a lot of time and manpower in medium and large hospitals. In the new mode, this process is greatly simplified. As long as the specimen passes through the bar code reading device, the patient data and the items to be tested have been transferred from the network and sent to the inspection server and the automatic analysis instrument respectively.
② After analysis
In the original mode, the analyzer transmits the analysis data to the server, and the laboratory staff prints the results into test reports, and the workers send these reports to various clinical departments. In the new mode, the laboratory staff can check the report on the workstation and sign it electronically, so that the results can be found on the doctor's terminal.