"Guardians of the Galaxy" is a superhero movie in 214, which is based on the modern comic book that Marvel Comics appeared in 28. The story of the film tells that peter quill, the "Star-Lord" who was madly hunted for stealing the mysterious sphere, was forced to form an alliance with four incompatible rabble-rocket raccoon, tree man Grut, Carmela and destroyer drax. They had to cross the rubicon to save the whole galaxy. The following lines impressed me deeply:
Some things I have been looking for all my life are actually around me, but I just haven't found them. 2. "It's beautiful."
"Like you, only inside."
3. Courage: hahaha, I'm Happy Mary!
Many people have mentioned the first three sentences.
Star-Lord: You look like the happy Mary in "Happy Man".
Yongdu: Who is she? Is she cool?
Star-Lord: … Yes, she is super cool.
I was deeply impressed by the following answer. He was as happy as a child, as a child approved by his parents. At this moment, I forgot that bastard. I just think he is Star-Lord's father and Star-Lord's closest relative.
4.Drax said, "When you're proud and someone loves you, you know he loves you for real. Beautiful people can't trust any one."
5. Don't you know how hard it is for mammals to jump 5 times in a row?
I know
but we have to jump more than 7 times!
6. I was most moved by the little sidekick who was brave. Yong Du was expelled by Stallone, but after risking his life for justice, he finally gained the understanding of his former allies. As the younger brother of Yong Du, he saw that his boss was finally admitted by his former friends, and he said "yeah!"
the mutual help of friends will eventually merge into the most beautiful rainbow to hug us. I wish every one of us will do the same.