The story of the film takes place on an island in the South Pacific Ocean 2,000 years ago, where there lived a West Asian tribe in Porini who loved sailing. The tribal leader has an only daughter named Ocean Romance Waliki. Encouraged by her grandmother, she was bent on exploring nearby islands, but her father stopped her. So Movana sneaked out of the island after her grandmother died to find the legendary island. She has two companions, one is cock black, and the other is pig Pua.
Mowa and his party ran aground on an island when a totem statue of Maui came alive. He is a superhero in the myth of South Pacific island countries. He can become a bird with many surviving tattoos. One magic weapon is a magic hook. Then Odyssey went to the vast ocean with him and overcame all kinds of dangers, thus completing the unfinished voyage of his ancestors 1000 years ago.
Movana is a song and dance animation, which contains many elements of folk stories of South Pacific island countries. Therefore, the producer of this film also went to the South Pacific to inspect and collect folk songs, and was guided and blessed by many local fishermen, patriarchs and anthropologists.