It is about two sisters of the Zhou family. The elder sister is Xu Yanxiang and the younger sister is Zhou Biying. They were separated when they were young. The elder sister lived among the people and worked as a maid and waitress to make a living. The younger sister was educated abroad and became a popular girl when she came back. The star and the sisters each have a jade pendant carved from a piece of jade, which can be put together to match the pattern. Mr. Zhou has a very loyal butler. Zhou's second wife, Zhou Biying's biological mother, framed the eldest wife, Xu Yanxiang's biological mother, for committing adultery with the housekeeper in order to seize the inheritance. Xu was born from the adultery. Zhou Zhongji wrote a will and left all the inheritance to his second wife, and also transferred the housekeeper, eldest daughter and eldest wife to his wife. Drive them all away. The second wife and her lover immediately plotted to kill Mr. Zhou. Before Mr. Zhou died, he was discovered by the former housekeeper and Pastor Yuan. He revised his will, invalidated the original will, and left the inheritance to his two daughters, which can only be taken out by putting two jade pendants together (and The only witness required is the signature of his lifetime steward), but if the jade pendant cannot be pieced together before the deadline, the inheritance will be donated to a charitable organization. Only the housekeeper and Pastor Yuan know this secret. It is up to the housekeeper to find Xu, who has been separated. The will will be disclosed to the public only after they have found it. No one else knows the function of the jade pendant.
When my sister was working as a maid, she was raped by Zhang Zhonghuai and gave birth to a daughter, Qi Hui. She left with hatred and worked as a waitress, and fell in love with a furniture designer. However, the man had a very vulgar wife in the countryside. What's even more unfortunate is that he is Zhang Zhonghuai's brother. When the two decided to get together, Zhang Zhonghuai was present. He despicably informed his sister-in-law in the countryside that at this time, Zhou Biying commissioned a custom-made table. After the designer worked hard to complete it, he failed. After being told to withdraw, he fell ill in anger. At this time, his wife from the countryside arrived. Under Zhang Zhonghuai's instigation, he refused to pay for medical treatment and died with hatred. At this time, Zhou Biying fell in love with director Liu Boda and got engaged. However, while filming a new drama, she kissed a romantic actor (played by Cheng Qian) during filming. Liu saw her and canceled the engagement. Daji and Empress Jiang were played by Xiao Min, an innocent woman. Liu was teasing Xiao Min during a break in the filming, but Zhou saw him. During the filming, they faked the scene and beat Xiao Min. Liu fell out with Zhou and announced that he was marrying Xiao Min. , gave birth to a daughter.
The next paragraph begins with Japan entering China. Zhang Zhonghuai and Zhou Biying got together and became traitors. Liu was an anti-Japanese leftist. Zhou always had a grudge against Xiao Min and tricked her into a Japanese house. Xiao Min He committed suicide with scissors. Xu has been hiding the truth about being raped by Zhang, telling outsiders that Qi Hui is her little sister. Zhang Zhonghuai coveted Qihui's beauty and wanted to take Qihui away by force. Xu had to arrange for Qihui to escape from Hong Kong by boat. Before escaping, Zhang arrived and wanted to snatch Qihui back. Xu had no choice but to confess to Qihui and Zhang that Qihui was her and Zhang's wife. Zhang's biological daughter, after Zhang found out, he had no choice but to let Qi Hui go to Guotou District. At this time, Zhou Tan heard that the secret of the inheritance was in the hands of Pastor Yuan. In order to obtain the secret, Zhang Zhonghuai and He Guitang entered Pastor Yuan's house. Zhang Xian broke into the inner room and raped Pastor Yuan's only daughter Yuan Zhende. He killed Pastor Yuan's entire family except Yuan Zhende outside. Zhou Wen wore a kimono and performed for the Japanese. At this time, Japan was defeated and surrendered.