SSL certificate is a type of digital certificate, similar to electronic copies of driver's licenses, passports and business licenses. Because it is configured on the server, it is also called an SSL server certificate.
The SSL certificate complies with the SSL protocol and is issued by a trusted digital certificate authority CA after verifying the server's identity. It has server identity verification and data transmission encryption functions.
The SSL certificate establishes an SSL secure channel between the client browser and the Web server (Secure socket layer (SSL) security protocol is designed and developed by Netscape Communication Company. This security protocol is mainly used to provide Authentication of users and servers; encrypting and hiding transmitted data; ensuring that data is not changed during transmission, that is, data integrity, has now become a global standard in this field because SSL technology has been established in all major networks. In browsers and WEB server programs, therefore, you only need to install the server certificate to activate this function), that is, through it, you can activate the SSL protocol, realize the encrypted transmission of data information between the client and the server, and prevent the data from being stolen. Leakage ensures the security of information transmitted by both parties, and the user can verify whether the website he is visiting is authentic and reliable through the server certificate. Digital signature, also known as digital identification or signature (i.e. Digital Certificate, Digital ID), provides a method of identity verification online. It is a digital information file used to mark and prove the identity of both parties in network communication. The concept is similar to that in daily life. Driver's license or ID card. Digital signatures are mainly used for secure online electronic transaction activities such as sending secure emails, accessing secure sites, online bidding and tendering, online signing, online ordering, secure transmission of online official documents, online office work, online payment, online tax payment, and online shopping.