Different objects have different applications. Common ones include applications for joining the Communist Youth League, applications for joining the Party, etc. However, no matter what kind of application, the writing format of the application is generally fixed. The content mainly includes five parts: title, title, body, conclusion, and signature.
1. Title
Generally, there are two ways to write the title of an application. One is to write "Application" directly, and the other is to write clearly the main content of the application. For example: "Application for Party Membership", "Application for Student Loan", etc. It is recommended to use the second method when actually writing.
2. Title
Leave one or two lines blank under the title, write the name of the person accepting the application in the top box, and add a colon after the title. Generally, they are adjectives such as respected, beloved, etc. + the name of the person accepting the application. For example, the application form for party membership is "Dear Party Branch:", and the application form for transfer is "Dear Personnel Department:" etc.
3. Text
The main text is the main body of the application. It must first state the requirements for what you are applying for, and secondly explain the reasons for the application. The reasons must be objective and sufficient, and the specific matters must be written concisely and clearly.
4. Ending
After writing the main text, leave a blank line below. Leave two spaces in front of this line and write "Sincerely." Then write "Salute" in the top box of the next line. Just like that, the ending is complete.
5. Signing
Finally, leave one or two lines blank under the salute, and then sign the applicant's name and the date of writing in the lower right corner.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/14ce36d3d539b60067c7d5cce650352ac65cb744"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/14ce36d3d539b60067c7d5c ce650352ac65cb744?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/14ce36d3d539b60067c7d5cce650352ac65cb744"/>Notes:
1. When writing the application, Apply The matters must be clear and specific, and the specific data must be accurate.
2. When writing an application, the reasons must be sufficient and reasonable, and cannot be exaggerated or fabricated. Only in this way can it be approved by the leader.
3. The language of the application must be accurate and concise, and the attitude in writing the application must be sincere and simple.