Professional English words: teacher, doctor, accent, artist, cleaner
1. teacher English [? ti:t? (r)] beauty [? tit? ]
n. teacher, teacher, teacher, sir; Trainer;
[ example ]I'm a? teacher? With 21 years 'experience.
I am a teacher with 21 years' teaching experience.
2、doctor ? ? English [? d? kt? (r)] beauty [? dɑ:kt? (r)]
Dr. Doctor, doctor; Theologian; Medical equipment;
medical treatment;
repair and assemble; Fake; Adulteration; Modify, embellish;
[ example ]I have an appointment at the? Doctors.
I have an appointment at the clinic.
3. actress English [? ktr? S] beauty [? ktr? [s]
n. actress; Female performer;
[ example ]She's a very great dramatic? Actress.
She is a very great dramatic actress.
4. artist English [? ɑ:t? St] beauty [? ɑ:rt? St]
n. artist; Painter; Expert;
[ example ]Each poster is signed by the? Artist
Every poster has the artist's signature.
5. cleaner English [? kli:n? (r)] beauty [? klin? ]
n. vacuum cleaner; Cleaning agent; Cleaning staff; Dry cleaners; ?
cleaner (comparative of clean); Neat; New; Decent;
[ example ]He was a window? Cleaner.
He is a window washer.