Recently, when using Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail to receive emails from Outlook 2007, I often find that parts of the email including tables are missing or attachments are missing. ?
One of the employees is using livmail, which is the LiveMail component that comes with MSN installation (replacing the original Outlook Express in WIN7) to collect emails. Among them, there are 2 employees’ emails. If there is a table in the email content, part of the content will be lost. If there is an attachment, the attachment will disappear!
After careful inspection, we found that this situation is caused by emails sent from Office Outlook 2007. There is this problem, but some people use Outlook to send emails normally. By using different email clients to send, you can test that the problem does not occur when using other clients. It seems that the problem is still concentrated in Outlook2007.
Let other emails sent using Outlook be opened and attachments can be opened normally, but there was a problem with the emails sent by two people. So I checked the Outlook of those two people and found that their configurations were all emails in HTML format, so I remembered an article I wrote before. The article talks about the situation where the attachment changes to winmail.dat. It may be caused by this reason.
It seems that the format conversion of HTML must be forced. I tested the registry modification and it is indeed the case. Sigh...This Microsoft Dongdong feels a little strange: all the emails sent before were normal, but I don’t know what was modified one day or this problem occurred when there was no operation. It seems that the RTF format for compatibility is not formal and standardized enough...
Find the computer that sent the email, close Outlook2007, modify the relevant registry keys, and then open Outlook.
The registry keys are as follows:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
< p>You can also download this Outlook2007 registry file directly from SkyDrive and import it.Note:
The standard of email is very important. This RTF format is customized by Microsoft. , exclusive to Outlook. Because there are far fewer netizens using Outlook around the world than other email clients, such as ThunderBird, etc. Therefore, please use HTML or text format when sending emails.
In addition Microsoft's software is a bit depressing. The installation packages are getting larger and larger, and more and more are associated with the registry. It is really inefficient. Moreover, many help documents cannot give fundamental suggestions! The most important function There are not many on the interface, and many functions are very useful. In recent years, they have been focusing on the beautiful interface and promoting it, and the customer usefulness has dropped a lot.