There are four words in the horizontal criticism of funeral, which are immortal, loving the future generations, and enduring great spirit.
Funeral refers to burial and mourning after death. Before the founding of New China, funerals were complicated and feudal etiquette was emphasized. The main process is that before the elders die, the younger generation stays by their side until they die, which is called death. On his deathbed, the deceased took off his old clothes, changed his shroud, and tied his legs with white threads, the number of which was equal to the age of the pawn.
funeral procedures:
1. Go through the death procedures. After the death of a relative, the family or unit of the deceased must issue a death certificate. If the death is normal, the medical and health institutions will issue a medical death certificate. If the death is abnormal, the public security and judicial departments at or above the county level will issue a death certificate.
2. Cancel the account. The family of the deceased will cancel the account at the local police station with the death certificate.
3. Contact cremation, call or send someone to the funeral home or funeral service station to contact cremation, and register the name, address, age, sex, cause of death, time of death, location of the remains and location of the deceased's household registration. Register the name, address, telephone number and relationship with the deceased. Scheduled service items and service hours.
4. Pick up the remains. According to the scheduled time, the family members will wait for the hearse to pick up the remains at the designated place with the death certificate.
5. cremate the remains, transport them to the funeral parlour, face-lift them, bid farewell to them, cremate them, buy urns, obtain cremation certificates and collect ashes.
6. Ashes are placed in the selected way, and the ashes storage certificate is obtained. Since then, the family members have come to the cemetery to offer sacrifices with this certificate.
The funeral couplets are as follows:
1. The first couplet: Tears and rain wash the dust and wash the road. The bottom line: the sad voice shocked the world.
2. Part I: Clean and crystal clear as snow. The second part: bright and fiery reflection of red berries
3. The first part: tears and rain wash the dust and wash the road. The bottom line: the sad voice shocked the world.
4. Part I: The human government has lost its love. The bottom line: The celestial fairy class is more kind and benevolent.
5. Part One: a model of past lives. The bottom line: a model for future generations.