Dwight Howard
12f/c 2.11m/6ft1120kg/265blb1985-12-00.
James Harden
13g/f1.96m/6ft5100kg/220lb1989-08-26 USD 78.5 million in five years, signed in the summer of 20 12, and 20/kloc-0.
Ty Lawson
3pg1.8m/5ft1.88kg/195blb1987-11-03 $48 million, 20.
Corey Brewer
33g/F2.06m/6ft984kg/185blb1986-03-05, USD 23.39 million, signed in the summer of 20 15, and delivered in the summer of 20 18.
Trevor Ariza
1g/F2.03m/6ft8100kg/220lbs1985-06-30USD, signed in the summer of 20 14, and expired in the summer of 20 18.
Patrick Beverley
2g1.85m/6ft1.84kg/185blb1988-07-12 USD 23.03 million in four years, signed in the summer of 20 15, 20.
KJ- mcdaniel
32 SF1.98m/6ft691kg/200 lb1993-02-09 USD100000, signed in the summer of 20 15, and 20 18.
Terrence Jones
6f2.06m/6ft9114kg/252lb1992-01-097140,000 years, signed in the summer of 20 12 years, 20/.
Donatas-Mottuel Junas
20f2.13m/7ft0.101KG/222lb1990-09-2004 USD 6.56 million, signed in the summer of 20 12, 20/kloc-
Sam duck
(sam dekker)
7sf2.06m/6ft9104kg/230lb1994-05-06 USD 7.92 million in four years, signed in the summer of 20 15, and expired in the summer of 20 19.
Clint cappella
15f/c2.08m/6ft101KG/245lb1994-05-186.06 million USD, 20/kloc-0.
Marcus Thornton
23sg1.93m/6ft493kg/205lb1987-06-05 completely free player.
35pf2.03m/6ft8109kg/240lb1994-01-26 unsigned rookie.