Problem: The security certificate issued by this website is not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
Cause and solution:
The SSL certificate used by the server is not issued by a formal CA. If you want to apply for SSL certificate from a regular company such as Shenzhen Wei Rui or Tianwei Chengxin, please check whether the original test certificate has been deleted. If the certificate used by the website is correct, please restart the website process.
Question: The security certificate issued by this website is issued for other website addresses.
Cause and solution:
The domain name corresponding to the SSL certificate is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
), if the domain name in the certificate is, through other similar domains.
Name, the system will report that it does not match the domain name in the certificate. If there are multiple sites with the same primary domain name
You need to apply for a certificate, so it is recommended to choose SSL certificate of multi-domain scheme.
Question: The certificate I saw when I visited the website was not the certificate I installed.
Cause and solution:
Please check that only one certificate is installed on the same IP and the same port of the server, and SSL protocol allows certificates to be returned on one IP and one port. To solve this problem, we can solve it by assigning different port numbers or different IP addresses.
Question: The bread on this page contains unsafe contents.
Cause and solution:
If you need to access a page through HTTPS access, all elements in the page must be in HTTPS mode. If there are pictures, JS scripts and FLASH plug-ins are called by HTTP.
Yes, this kind of error will occur, and the most common one is to call the flash playback plug-in: codebase='
/Release/Shock Wave/
' Cabs/flash/ ',put/support/SSL _ error.html。