Pay attention to the borrower, loan date, repayment date, borrower's signature, loan amount, loan reason, etc. Don't make mistakes in figures.
Don't use polysyllabic and polysemous words to write IOUs. Our country's culture is profound, and many Chinese characters have the phenomenon of multi-tone and multi-interpretation. Once these Chinese characters are used on IOUs, they may cause disputes. For example, "paying back 10,000 yuan" can be understood as "paying back 10,000 yuan" or "owing 10,000 yuan".
Extended data
There are five points to note:
1. It's best to attach the ID numbers of the lender and the borrower in the debit note to avoid unnecessary disputes.
2. When the borrower signs, the lender must see his signature with his own eyes to prevent the borrower from signing with others, and finally refuse to recognize the IOU.
3. The borrower must be the borrower, not the lender, otherwise the borrower will argue that the content is not the original.
4. Try to avoid using different languages. Simple and semantically simple IOUs are the most standard IOUs. Avoid vague language like "A borrows money from B", because it is easy to tell who is the lender and who is the borrower.
The name should be written as IOU, not IOU. Their legal meanings are quite different. IOUs are valid for 20 years and IOUs for 2 years.
Baidu encyclopedia _ IOUs