Then software encryption is vulnerable to timing attacks.
Timed attack (timed attack)
Some security-related operations use input values and keys, which are compared by semiconductor chips at different times. Careful timing measurement and analysis can recover the key. This attack successfully cracked the actual RSA signature smart card.
In order to attack successfully, it is necessary to collect device information and compare it with processing time integration (such as question and answer delay). Many cryptographic algorithms are vulnerable to sequential attacks, mainly because software executes algorithms. Timed attacks can be used in password-based microcontrollers for security protection, or in systems that use cards or passwords to determine access control numbers, such as iButton products in Dallas.
Blind signature technology can be used to prevent this kind of attack. Using the selected random number to mix with the input data to prevent the cracker from knowing the mathematical algorithm of the input data, the designer needs to carefully calculate the cycle of the processor. When comparing passwords, make sure that the correct and wrong times are the same. For example, Freescale's 68HC08 microcontroller's internal memory loading module can access the internal flash memory after inputting the correct eight-bit password. In order to make the processing time of correct and incorrect passwords the same, extra empty operation instructions are added in the program. This provides a good protection against continuous attacks.
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