Nowadays, many young people leave messages in their signatures, and sometimes they say some negative words. For example, as you mentioned here, no one can live without anyone. In fact, everyone can do it to some extent. Everyone will have some standards of their own, but that does not mean that they regard the standards as principles. Criteria and principles are two different things. Principles can change, and changes in standards will change with external factors. This is an external factor. Your boyfriend's signature is a criterion, an external factor, and it can be changed.
There are also some signatures that are principled. For example, loving peace and cherishing life are all principles. Principles generally cannot be changed easily and belong to the bottom line. content.
Back to reality, let’s talk about today’s online signatures. Generally, online signatures are just some ordinary standard content, which can easily change, so you don’t need to be too careful about your boyfriend’s signature. Too sensitive.