How to publish the developed app on iPhone to the app store
Publishing steps
Log in to the Apple Developer Center: (USD 99 account)< /p>
Enter itunes connect
Select Manage Your Apps
Select Add New App
Fill in the project related information, if you don’t know how to fill it in, click the question mark Check, the Bundle ID Suffix needs to be consistent with the suffix filled in the previous application for release certificate, otherwise an error will occur when uploading the project and you need to repackage
Then select the project price and date
< p> The next page needs to fill in the complete information of the projectThe URL can fill in your own homepage, the company's homepage, etc., which will be displayed in itunes. This URL must not fill in the Weibo homepage, etc. The link can only be viewed after logging in. Some netizens were rejected because they filled in the Weibo link. If it is not possible, you can also fill in the blog address
④ The contact information can be filled in yourself or the company, demo Aount If You need to log in to the App, and you can provide a test account to facilitate debugging during Apple's review
⑤The uploaded pictures are all used for display in iTunes. The image size of 3.5-Inch is 960*640 or 640*960, or 960*600, or
620*900, any of these sizes are acceptable. The image size of 4-Inch is 1136×640, 1136×600, 640×1136 or
640×1096. It is best to take screenshots by holding down the power button and home button during debugging on a real machine, so that the size is certain. Can't go wrong.
After clicking Continue, it will appear that the project is waiting to be uploaded. You can choose to edit the relevant information of the project.
Next, package the application (prerequisite, you have applied for a publishing certificate and installed it. If you have not applied, please refer to the link at the beginning of this article)
a. Open Xcode, select Product->Archive
b. Then select distribute...
c .Choose the second one
d. Select the release certificate
After clicking next, the .ipa file will be generated
3. Upload the .ipa file, you need to use Application Loader that comes with mac
a. Select Applications in finder->right-click and select Xcode->Show package contents->contents->Applications->Application Loader
b. Open the Application Loader and a login interface will appear. Log in with the same account used to log in to the Developer Center. When logging in for the first time, an agreement acceptance page will appear. Just tick √ and continue
c. After entering, select Deliver Your App, the items you filled in in the developer center will appear, and they are waiting for upload. Just choose to upload ipa.
4. After the upload is successful, return to the Developer Center, refresh the page and you will find that the project is waiting for review. The normal review cycle is 5 working days
At this time, the email will After receiving an email from Apple, you will also receive an email after the review results are released. How to get the developed app to the app store
There is no additional fee to publish the developed iOS APP to the APP Store, but as a developer A developer account fee of US$99 per year is required. After successful payment, you will become a member of Apple's iOS developer program. This is the link to apply to become a developer member:
To submit an application, you must first have an IDP (Apple Developer Certificate); secondly, you must have a computer with Mac OS system; and finally, you must provide your own tested application. And screenshots, introduction and other information.
Note that the submitted application cannot have the following conditions, otherwise it will fail the review: the application cannot crash; cannot use private API; cannot copy the functions of the native app; should use IAP (in-app payment) financial transactions; You cannot use the camera or microphone without the user's knowledge; you cannot use copyright-free pictures without authorization. If you avoid these situations, the approval rate will be greatly improved. How to publish APP in iphone app store?
It is recommended to find an app development company to help release the app. The process of app online is a bit difficult. Now if the industry is doing well, it is online. They have a good understanding of the iPhone app review process and are familiar with various apps. I have more experience with online issues.
How to publish an iPhone app to the app store
Take quarter past six as an example. Even free applications require a developer account. Registering a Developer account is not explained in detail here. Then naturally prepare the App. Make sure that the iOS application has been fully tested in the simulator to confirm that there are no known bugs. After everything is ready for App publishing, you can publish the App to the App Store. App publishing requires the following processes in summary: 1. Register the App ID and specify the Bundle Identifier in Xcode2. Create a Distribution Certificate (Distribution Certificate) 3 . Create Distribution Provisioning Profile 4. Sign the application with Distribution Profile 5. Package the App 6. Upload the App in iTunes Connect Most of the above operations are completed in the Provisioning Portal, XCode, Keychain Aess tool and iTunes Connect. Uploading the App must be executed in the Xcode software (that is, you must have a MacAir, MacMini, etc. running a 10.x system such as Moc OS .2. All other operations can be completed in a normal browser. Publish an iOS application to the App Store - Create an App ID. First apply for an App ID for your iOS application, which is the unique identifier of your application. Click the iOS Provisioning Portal link on the right and select App ID. Enter the description information of the application in Description. You can use the company name and application name to identify it, for example: .pany.demoapp. Then open X-Code and select Target > Summary. Enter the Bundle Identifier registered above in the Identifier input box. Publish the iOS application to the App Store - Create a Distribution Certificate. iOS applications have a security certificate for verifying developers. Identity and signature. There are detailed introductions under the Distribution column of the Provisioning Portal, but the overall steps can be summarized as follows: 1. Open Keychain Aess and turn off OCSP and CRL in Preferences. 2. Click the Keychain Aess menu and select Certificate Assistant > Request Certificate. from Authority. 3. Enter the email address, select Saved to Disk and Let me specify key pair information. 4. Select the key size of 2048 bits and RSA algorithm. 5. Then a message will be generated on the desktop. .CSR file. 6. Then enter the Provisioning Portal, select Certificates -> Distribution -> Add Certificate, and add the .CSR signature file just created. 7. Download and install the WWDR intermediate certificate while waiting for review. 8. Refresh the page. Then you can download the certificate. After downloading, install it. 9. The last step is to open Keychain Aess. Select the private key you just installed and select Export Item in the menu to export the private key. Back up the exported private key to a safe place so that it can be restored after reinstalling the system. Publish iOS applications to the App Store - Create a Distribution Provisioning Profile. Open the Provisioning Portal, select Provisioning -> Distribution, and choose to add a new profile. To select App Store for Distribution Method, the App ID needs to be entered as the App ID applied for previously. After submitting, you need to wait a while before refreshing this page. Then you can download and install the profile. After installation, the profile will be added to XCode.
Publish iOS App to App Store - Check Signing and Build Settings Open XCode and select Code Signing in Build Settings. Select the Distribution Profile you just applied for in the Release settings. Is it okay to release apps developed for iOS 8 now?
Generally, new software is compatible with the latest two major versions of the system. It has been so long since iOS9 was released, so it is not a bad idea to abandon the ones before iOS8.
Will an app developed with ionic be rejected if it is published to the AppStore for review?
The AppStore review will be rejected for the following reasons: 1. The program has major bugs, the program cannot be started, or it exits midway. 2. Bypass Apple’s payment channels. 3. If there are physical rewards in the game, be sure to make it clear that the rewards are the responsibility of our company and have nothing to do with Apple. 4. Use the Apple logo. (The design of the application is too similar to Apple’s logo style... ios development questions Xcode IPA release APP Store
1. The virtual machine can submit the application, no problem.
2 .There is no limit on the quantity. Because the release certificate is used when publishing, the certificate used during debugging is only applicable to the development devices bound to the paid account. The iPhone can only install iPhone applications, and the iPad can install it. iPhone and iPad applications.
3. The official version of the synchronization assistant is installed using the enterprise account. The enterprise account allows installation on the web and can bypass the app store. There is no limit on the number of development devices for the enterprise account. Submit the app to 91. That’s it. How to publish to app store on ios
Open the Apple Developer Center
Click after opening :Member Center
If the password is not saved on your computer, you will be prompted to enter your developer account and password. Because my computer has already saved it, enter directly
2. Click: Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
1. Create App IDs and Boudle ID
< p> 4. Click App IDs, you will enter the following interface, click the + sign in the upper right corner5
5. Fill in the App IDs and Boudle ID
6. Click continue
7. Click Submit
8. Click Done< /p>
2. Create a publishing certificate (if you have already created a publishing certificate and now use the p12 file, you can jump directly to step 21)
9 .After clicking Production, click the + sign
10. Click App Store and Ad Hoc
11. Click Continue
12. Click Continue
Create a local certificate
13. Return to On the desktop, click on LaunchPad and find Keychain Access in Others. Remember not to close the browser
14. Open Keychain Access and click Keychain Access in the upper left corner of the computer – Certificate Assistant – Request a certificate from a certificate authority
15. The following interface will appear, select Store to disk, click Continue
16. Select Save to Desktop, Save
17. Click Finish
18. You will See the following file on the desktop
19. Then return to the browser and click choose File.. Select the created: CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file and click Generate p>
Download the file with the cer suffix of the created publishing certificate and click done. The publishing certificate you created will be stored in your account."
20. Click Download to download Create the release certificate (file with cer suffix), then click Done. The release certificate you created will be stored in your account.
Note: Generally, it is enough to create a publishing certificate for a developer account. If you need to put the app on other computers in the future, you only need to create the p12 file in keychain access. , install the p12 file to other computers. This is equivalent to giving other computers permission to publish apps.
Create PP file
21. Find Provisioning Profiles, click All, and then click the + sign in the upper right corner
23 p>
22. Select App Store and click Continue
23. Find the type you just created in the App ID option bar: App IDs (Bundle ID) package, click Continue
24. Select the release certificate you just created (or the release certificate that generated the p12 file), click Continue
25. Enter a name in the Profile Name column (this is the name of the PP file, you can enter it casually, here I use the project name for easy identification), and then click Generate
26.Download the generated PP file, and then click Done
Create space in the App Store
27. Return Member Center, click iTunes Connect
28. Click My App
29. Click New iOSApp
30. Press Prompt to fill in the corresponding information, and then click Create
31. Pull the App screenshots of different sizes into the corresponding ones in turn
32. Fill in the App introduction
33. Enter as prompted
34. This build version has not been generated yet. We first fill in the basic information, and then enter Xcode to package and send the project.
Note: After filling in, be sure to click Save in the upper right corner.
Package the project in Xcode
Find the release certificate (suffix .cer) or p12 file you just downloaded, and the PP file, double-click it, it seems unresponsive, but they have Add to your keychain.
35. Select the simulator as iOS Device in Xcode and follow the instructions in the figure below
36. Modify the .plist file, both .plist files must be modified
37. Then send it to my App