When necessary, you perform it once and fill in a content. You can define a shortcut key or icon for it to call it quickly.
You can put this macro in your personal macro workbook so that you can call it in all files at any time.
The code is as follows:
Child automatic name ()
Dim mySheet as worksheet, myCell as range, myName as string and FindIt as string.
FindIt = InputBox ("Please enter the cell contents you need to find"&; Chr (13) chr (13) "Excel will fill in the following cell", "signature")
If FindIt = ""then exit Sub.
MyName = InputBox ("Please enter what you need to fill in"&; Chr (13) chr (13) "Excel will fill in the cell when it is found", "")
If myName = ""then exit Sub.
For each mySheet in the ActiveWorkbook. worksheet
My sheets. choose
Set myCell = Cells. Find(What:=FindIt,looking:= XL formulas,LookAt:= _
xlWhole,SearchOrder:=xlByRows,SearchDirection:=xlNext,MatchCase:=False _
If it is not, it is nothing. Offset (0, 1). Value = my name
Next sheet of my worksheet
MsgBox "Processing complete!" , VB information
End joint
Good luck!