How to move a written JAVA program to an Android phone? !
/androidkaifa/332.html First, we select the AndroidManifest.xml file of the project in the package explorer. We can see that there is an export function in the default list mode on the right. Select Use Export Wizard. The second step is project inspection. Select the items to export. Usually, the default is the current project. Here, we can use the default android 123 to choose to create a new keystore in keystore selection. The default location is where keystore files are stored. We can choose a path at will here. Then enter the password and confirm it. You can fill in the key creation here. We just need to input some information, such as aliases. I will write my own name CWJ here. The password must be the same as the password just entered in the keystore. The whole signature process is actually an RSA encryption process, and the last validity period (year) is the validity period. Just enter the recommended 25 years here, and other contents are optional. Finally, only the target apk file is selected in the target and key/certificate check, which is the path of the saved final APK file. The signed APK file is saved in this location, and there are some description information below.