Come to an enthusiastic netizen to help me compile the UBB code of the signature file.
Reference:/346430756/blog/item/A0C71fe94bdfe83bb90e2dde.htmlubb code usage example [red] text [/red] red [green] text [/green] green [blue] text [/blue]. Blue [white] text [white [purple] text [/purple] purple] purple [yellow] yellow [violet] violet [brown] text [/brown] black] text [/black] black [pink] text [/H3] Title 3 [H4] text [/H4] title 4 [H5] text [/H5] title 5 [H6] text [/H6] title 6 [size =1] No.2 (trumpet) [size=3] Text [/size = 3] No.3 (normal Size = 4] No.4 (large) [size = 5] text [/size = 5] No.5 [size = 6] text [/size = fonttext [/right] Right-aligned [url= connection text] Address hyperlink [code] text [/code] code [img] text [] Mapping address [mail] text [/mail] E-mail address [quote] text [/quote] Reference text [movl] Text [/movl] Text moves left [/movlr] Text moves right [/movr] Text moves right [hide] Text [/hide] Hide the visible content. Can only be used for theme posts [flash] text [/flash] flash address (swf)[music] text [/music] music address (mp3, wma, rm, mid)[movie] text [/movie] movie address (wmv, avi)[media] text [/media] movie address (wmv, wmv.