Legal analysis: the concept of electronic signature: signature generally refers to a person writing his own name or leaving marks, seals or other special symbols on a document to determine the identity of the signer and ensure that the signer approves the contents of the document. Traditional signatures must be attached to tangible media, but in the process of electronic transactions, documents are formed by sending, exchanging, transmitting and storing data messages, and there is no tangible media. This requires a technical means to identify the two parties to the transaction and ensure the security of the transaction, so as to achieve the same function as the traditional handwritten signature. This technical means that can achieve the same function as handwritten signature is generally called electronic signature.
Legal basis: Article 2 of the Electronic Signature Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) The term "electronic signature" as mentioned in this Law refers to the data contained in the data message generated in electronic form, which is used to identify the identity of the signer and show that the signer approves the content.