See details below.
Material preparation: a mobile phone, an app with cloud injection pop-up window, and an MT manager.
The first step is to prepare the app with a cloud-injected card password pop-up window (non-reinforced)
The second step is to open the MT manager, extract the installation package and locate it.
The third step is to click on the located installation package and select View.
The fourth step is to click on the classes.dex file, select Dex Editor, then select all and confirm.
The fifth step, click Search, search for this string of code: OperatorObserveOn$ObserveOnSubscriber path, ignore the path, search type: class name, check: search subdirectories, check: exact match, and then confirm, you will see Only one result was found.
In the sixth step, we click on the class name, click on the compass above, then click call, then click on the blank part in front of line 170, and press Enter, so that the content of line 170 becomes line 171. , and finally add this string of code to the blank line 170: return-void and then save, exit all the way, sign and install, and the cloud injection card password pop-up window will disappear!