0 1 driver download
Before binding CA, we need to download the corresponding CA driver. When logging into the political mining cloud platform, please select CA to log in, click CA driver download, and select the corresponding CA driver to download and install.
If you apply for a CA in the political mining cloud platform, then choose the first Zhejiang Huixin Lianlian driver client, and the rest CA will choose the driver download according to the corresponding type.
Note: after downloading the client again and again, you must register before logging in!
Log in to the platform with your account password.
After the driver is downloaded and installed, open the political mining cloud platform, log in to the platform with the account password, and click on the upper right corner to directly enter the CA management page.
03CA binding
After entering the CA management page, insert the CA certificate, click "Bind CA" and select the corresponding CA service provider. If it is a CA applied by the platform, directly select "Zhejiang Huixin CA", select the media digital certificate to log in, and enter the PIN code "123456" to bind successfully.