glowing words
1. Create a new 5 * 3 pixel black background
2. Enter the words (even writing colorful glowing words), fill them with white, and deselect them.
3. Filter-Distortion-polar coordinates (polar coordinates to plane coordinates)
Image. Use (shortcut ctrl+f) twice
image-rotate canvas-9 degrees clockwise
5. filter-twist-polar coordinate (plane coordinate to polar coordinate)
6. create a new layer, mode: superposition.
gradient (reference: rainbow color)
explosive word
1. Newly built. 28*17, resolution 72, mode RGB.
2。 Input text, (reference color is red), yellow size is 2, official script, (symmetrical text)
3. Merge the text layer and the background layer.
4。 Copy the layer.
5。 The replica is the current layer and the filter-blur-Gaussian radius is 2.5.
6。 Filter-stylization-overexposure
7. Image-adjustment-automatic gradation, ctrl+acltrl+c (copy layer)
8. Create a new layer, set the opacity to 75%, and the mode is: overlay.
9。 ctrl+V。 Click "Background Copy" as the current layer.
1. filter-distortion-polar coordinates (polar coordinates to plane coordinates)
11. Image-rotate canvas-9 degrees clockwise
12. Image-adjustment-inverse filter-stylization-wind (from left)
13. Ctrl+F (used three times), image-adjustment-automatic gradation
14. Image-adjustment-inversion, filter-stylization-wind (from left)
15...ctrl+F (used twice)
16. Image-rotation-9 degrees counterclockwise, filter-distortion-polar coordinates (from plane coordinates to polar coordinates)
17. Image-Adjustment-Hue Saturation (Coloring, 45,1,)
It is possible that the colors are not found correctly. . .
1。 Background: white. Foreground: blue.
2。 Newly built. 56*16 resolution 72 mode RGB.
3。 The size of the text is set by yourself, and the font is preferably comprehensive or bold.
4。 Delete the text layer. Turn to a normal layer.
5。 Copy the layer and make sure that the text copy is the current layer.
6。 Edit-Fill. Set to use black, the blending mode is normal, and the opacity is 1%. Select the reserved transparent area.
7。 Filter-Noise-Add Noise Quantity 4, Distribution: Average Monochrome.
8。 Filter-Pixelization-Lattice Cell Size 3
9. Filter-Stylization-Illuminated edge width 1, edge brightness 2, smoothness 1.
1。 CTRL+A selects all canvas areas, CTRL+C,CTRL+D.
11. Establish channel Alpha1, (the channel is displayed in black)
12. Image-adjustment-inversion (white display)
14。 CTRL++click Alpha1.
15。 Right-click on Alpha1 and select Delete.
16。 Delete the "text copy" in the layer.
17。 The text layer is the current layer, deltlt.ctrl+d
18. Layer-Effect-Projection mode positive overlay. Fuzzy 5, intensity .
19。 Together. . . OK!
explosion effect. .
1。 Create a new 42*42 white background.
2。 Add noise (15, average distribution, monochrome)
image-adjustment-threshold 22.
3。 Motion blur (9,4), adjustment-inversion.
4。 New layer, linear gradient (white to black, top to top)
mode: color filtering. Merge layers.
5。 Twist-polar coordinates (plane coordinates to polar coordinates)
change the canvas size (6*6)
6. Radial blur (1, scaling)
7. Hue saturation (coloring, 4,6,1)
8. New layer, mode: color fade.
clouds and layered clouds are used together. Bring up the best effect.
9。 Add noise (9, Gaussian, noise)
1. OK。
time tunnel [/size
1. Create a new 2*1 pixel background image.
2.。 Filter-noise-add noise (35, Gaussian blur, monochrome)
3. Adjustment-threshold (2)
4. Change the image size (2*2)
5. Copy the layer. Add a black background. Rotate the copy layer canvas 9 degrees clockwise, and the mode is positive overlay.
6。 Lamination (without background), adjustment-inversion.
7。 Filter-Distortion-Shear
8. The layer is rotated 9 degrees clockwise, and the filter is twisted and sheared. (unchanged setting)
9. Add a mask and gradient (black to white) so that the middle display of the image is covered on both sides (the display part is the radius of the ball line. )
1。 Merge all layers. Filter-distortion-polar coordinates (plane coordinates to polar coordinates)
11. Adjustment-Hue saturation (coloring, 83, 6, 1) Colors are for reference only.
12。 OVER.
leather effect
1. New-white background image
2. Noise-add noise (15, Gaussian distribution)
3. Pixelization-punctification (cell size: 5)
4. Fuzzy-Gaussian fuzzy (2)
5. Texture-stained glass (8,2,1)
6. Weathering-relief effect (-5,2,2%) < P > 7. Hue saturation (34, 7, -19)
stone carving
1. New, enter text.
2。 Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur (1.5)
3. Stylization-relief effect (12, 5, 12)
4. Color scale (,1.66,255)
golden characters
1. New-image, enter channel, create new channel
2. Use the text mask tool to enter text and fill it with white.
3。 Fuzzy-Gaussian fuzzy (2,5)
4. Gradient with transparent rainbow, and draw a straight line from the upper left corner to the lower right corner
5. The curve is adjusted to: upper 2, lower 1, upper 2, lower .8, rightmost
6. Select All-Copy-Enter Layers Panel-Paste.
7。 Adjustment-color balance
(dark tone: 19, , -92
middle tone: 7, , -35
highlight: 19, , -83)
snow effect (1)
1. Open an image, copy it and put it on a new layer.
2。 Pixelization-punctification (6)
3. Image-adjustment-threshold (2)
4. The mode of the copy layer changes to color filter
5. Blur-motion blur (-45, 13)
Using Photoshop to repair photos, the transformation process from beauty to horror level is very wonderful. We found the original picture on the Internet, so we skinned her. Make her beautiful.
source graph.
1。 Open the original picture.
2。 Click "Quick Mask" (double click)
3. This dialog box appears (select colors as needed)
4. Select the brush tool and apply it evenly on the face with a brush.
5。 Choose the eraser tool to wipe off the parts other than the skin, including the eyes.
The actual production should be very careful, so that the hair can be selected accurately.
6。 Exit the mask, and at this time, what you just drew becomes the constituency
7. Select-Feather Selection, which I set here to 2 (select a value as required)
8. Edit-copy-paste
9. After pasting, a new layer will be set up just in the selected area
1. Perform Gaussian blur (on the new layer)
11. Perform color gradation and adjust the new layer
12. Copy the background layer, perform Gaussian blur, select Soft Light, and adjust the transparency
13. USM sharpening the background layer
14. USM sharpening the skin layer 1, and pay attention to the smaller value
15. Adding noise to the background copy is to add texture, not like plastic, which varies from person to person
16. Adjust-You can select a color to adjust, and you can also adjust the curve.
after the whole process is completed, you can summarize it from beginning to end and practice it many times repeatedly to achieve the best results.
concave-convex characters
1. The new 5pdi72 mode is gray
2. Create a new channel. Enter the text. Stroke one pixel with (edit-stroke) white. Outside. Opacity is 5%. Deselect.
3. Filter-Other-Gao Fancha reserved, with a radius of 1. < p
delete the original gray channel.
4. image-mode-gray scale (change mode)
image-mode-bi-tone (type is tri-tone) and its value setting
1 color fixed tone will change from to 12
2 color choose 139 tone will change from to 3 1 to 75
3 color choose 397 tone. B
Filter-Rendering-lighting effects, set the values as follows: default style, full light source on, intensity: negative film 21 with all mixed edges with luminous plastic effect 1 with metallic texture; exposure without group with excessive exposure; negative film 18 with red and white texture, smooth 5 protrusions
6. The curve of the layer can be adjusted again (reference value 65, 5)
Blood-dripping words
(pay attention to' I saw it when I was making a ghost website)
1. Create a new one, as shown in the figure. The background is black with a width of 28 and a height of 16 rgb mode
2. Create a new layer 1 and fill it with white.
Enter the text in red. Size 12 pixels.
3. Merge text with new layer (white)
Image-rotate canvas-9 degrees counterclockwise
4. Filter-stylize-wind direction: from left CTRL+F (repeat)
5. Image-rotate canvas-9 degrees clockwise
6. (or other methods will do. )
8. image-rotating canvas-9 degrees counterclockwise
9. filter-stylization-wind (strong wind, from left)
1. filter-blur-Gaussian (radius 1.)
11. image-rotating canvas-9 degrees clockwise
liquid metal characters
. Newly built. The background is white.
2。 Channel new Alpha1.
3。 Enter text. Official script
4。 Filter-Other-Maximum radius 1.
5。 Right-click on Alpha1 to copy Alpha2.
6。 Currently in Alpha2, the filter-blur-Gaussian radius is 4..
7。 Right-click on Alpha2 to copy and generate "Alpha2 copy"
8. Alpha2 copy is current, filter-other-offset (horizontal, vertical-2, undefined area: set as background)
9. Alpha2 is current, filter-other-offset (horizontal, vertical is 2, undefined area: set as background)
1. Image-calculation source 1: alpha2 source 2: alpha2 copy blending: difference
opacity 1% result: Alpha3 of new channel.
11。 Alpha3 (the default is Alpha2, which can be changed to Alpha3) is current, and image-adjustment-inversion.
12。 Image-Adjustment-Curve. 124 output 12
13. Alpha1 is current, and the selection-loading selection setting channel is Alpha1.
14。 Edit-Stroke Width 5 Center Opacity 1% Mode: Normal.
15。 Cancel the selection (CTRL+D). Alpha3 is current, select all (CTRL+A) and copy (CTRL+C)
16. Click RGB channel as current and paste (CTRL+V).
17. On the layer palette, there is "Layer 1" as the current layer.
18。 Select-Load Selection Select Alpha1. Select-inverse, Deltte, ctrl+d.
19。 Image-Adjustment-Hue Saturation (coloring, hue adjustment 4, saturation 1, lightness ) colors are for reference only. Can be self-deployed.
2。 Layer-Effect-Projection, and finally merge the layers.
negative special effects
1. Open an RGB image.
2。 Select All-Copy. New-Channel-Paste.
3。 Perform image-adjustment-inversion on the channel.
4。 Create a new black layer and choose-Load Selection.
5。 Adjust the color.
1. New 28*4. Black gradient, linear, top right to bottom left.
2。 Rendering-Layered Clouds
3. Adjust-Auto Levels, Invert.
4。 Color scale (,.1,255)
5. Hue saturation (coloring, 22, 5, )
1. Create a new file with self-defined size, input text, self-defined color (preferably dark color) and delete grid;
2. Call up the text selection, create a new layer, and edit? Stroke, the color is white, the width is 1, and it is moved to the right by 2? 3 pixels;
3. Keep the text selection, create a new layer, and edit? Stroke, the color is text color, the width is 1, and it is moved to the right by 2? 3 pixels;
4. select text layer, layer? Layer style? Bevel relief, depth 44, size 7, Ring; for gloss contour; (can be customized)
5. Use the dodge tool to highlight a certain part of the text;
6. finish.
transparent stereo:
1. Create a new file;
2. Create a new channel:
3. Enter text and switch to RGB;;
4. Create a new layer and edit-? Fill? Historical records.
5. layer? Layer style? Bevel relief, the parameter is adjusted to the right, the size is 3? 5。
6. Finish
1. Create a new file, enter text and delete it;
2. filter? Blurred? Radial ambiguity 65;
3. Edit? Fade the radial blur, the transparency is optional, and the mode is optional;
4. finish;
Unnamed 2:
1. New