Pierce, on the court, let the people of Dada judge. I only said shoes. There are many definitions of small forward and swingman. People like Pippen would rather give up high-end configuration and adjust the performance to their satisfaction. Like Tmac is cool enough, as long as it looks chic and low-cut. Like Kobe, he became famous early and had piles of signature shoes. Like DrJ, it was ancient times, and I didn't have good shoes. sorry Only Pierce, Mavericks and sneakers are special cases and bugs. Before LBJ, I thought the appearance of PP was a nightmare for perimeter defenders. He also knows exactly what he needs, a pair of high shock-absorbing sneakers, which don't need to be gorgeous, and the key protection is better. Popularity, yes; Design sneakers, there are; Requirements for sneakers, there are; Official release? number
Looking at sneakers in approximate chronological order, Getty's picture time is too messy.
Air Force Maximum Zoom II
Air Force Maximum Zoom II
Maximum zoom TB of air team
Maximum zoom TB of air team
The rookie year of 1999, very cute, is Big Max's inner shoes. The configuration performance of the two pairs of shoes is almost the same, with a slight change in appearance. At that time, the team was a two-player version of sneakers, and a special version was launched according to the color of the team, which was not available on the market.
Air force administration