The key is to look at the shoe label and be sure to resist the seller's deception. For example, how good the materials are, and the branded shoes are nonsense. The most important thing to identify a pair of shoes is to look at the shoe logo.
Second, look at the price. The genuine price of Adidas on Taobao is generally not less than 200. Among them, the shoes with genuine price of 200~300 are all low-end shoes of Adi, while the high-end shoes such as star signature shoes are basically fake if they are lower than 400. Also, the price of new products in this season is generally impossible to be less than 50% off! Because you can't buy real shoes below this price.
Its products:
Ball and track and field sports clothing, sports shoes, yoga clothes, sports accessories (watches, glasses, etc. ), casual shoes, men's perfume, skin care products.
On February 9, 2009, 65438, Adidas and Disney announced that they would jointly launch a brand-new baby and children's wear series.
ForMotion heel (mountain type): ForMotion is a heel system that can move freely. Its active heel allows your feet to adapt to different ground environments and different sports conditions. ForMotion allows your feet to fully experience a stable, balanced and natural landing feeling. ForMotion is integrated with you in sports.
1, dark clouds cover the moon, people go to the empty building, and you can't tell how lonely you are.
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