The application form must be signed by the applicant himself, but if the applicant is a person without civil capacity or with limited civil capacity, the application form can be signed by his guardian, but not by others. If the insured is unable to sign by himself due to physical reasons such as disability, he can sign by his designated salesman through legal procedures.
It can be analyzed according to the following three situations: First, the applicant and the insured are the same person. This is no problem, the insurance policy must be signed by the insured, that is to say, the insured has signed it; Second, the insured and the insured are two people, and the insurance policy does not contain the liability for death. In this case, only the signature of the insured is required, not the signature of the insured himself. Third, the insured and the insured are two people, and the insurance policy includes the responsibility of paying for death. In this case, the insurance policy without the written consent and approval of the insured is invalid.