Word Bookmarks
Bookmarks in Word are mainly used to help users quickly locate specific locations in long Word documents, or to reference specific points in the same document (or different documents). Word. In Word documents, bookmarks can be added to text, paragraphs, graphics, titles, etc.
Take adding bookmarks in Word2010 as an example to introduce the method of making Word bookmarks:
Step 1, open the Word2010 document window, select the text, title, paragraph, etc. that need to be bookmarked . Switch to the "Insert" ribbon and click the "Bookmark" button in the "Links" group.
Tips: If you need to bookmark a large section of text, you can also unselect the text and just position the insertion point cursor at the beginning of the target text.
Step 2, open the "Bookmark" dialog box and enter the bookmark name in the "Bookmark" edit box (the bookmark can only contain letters and numbers, not symbols and spaces. Note that bookmarks in Word Cannot start with a number! ) and click the "Add" button.
Plant leaf bookmarks
Plant leaf bookmarks are a fresh way to mark the places you have read. Bookmarks are needed because
There are still many people The love of reading has not declined in this day and age, and many of us still fall in love with it. Bookworm fun is everywhere!
The blades of love grass insist on pasting each page. The blades peek out from the top of the mountain. It looks like the grass is performing various interesting performances on the book. These marked pages are your ideals. Books, like large reference dictionaries, cookbooks, picture books and more.
Word Bookmarks
Bookmarks in Word are mainly used to help users quickly locate specific locations in long Word documents, or to reference specific points in the same document (or different documents). Word. In Word documents, bookmarks can be added to text, paragraphs, graphics, titles, etc.
Take adding bookmarks in Word2010 as an example to introduce the method of making Word bookmarks:
Step 1, open the Word2010 document window, select the text, title, paragraph, etc. that need to be bookmarked . Switch to the "Insert" ribbon and click the "Bookmark" button in the "Links" group.
Tips: If you need to bookmark a large section of text, you can also unselect the text and just position the insertion point cursor at the beginning of the target text.
Step 2, open the "Bookmark" dialog box and enter the bookmark name in the "Bookmark" edit box (the bookmark can only contain letters and numbers, not symbols and spaces. Note that bookmarks in Word Cannot start with a number! ) and click the "Add" button.
Plant leaf bookmarks
Plant leaf bookmarks are a fresh way to mark the places you have read. Bookmarks are needed because
There are still many people The love of reading has not declined in this day and age, and many of us still fall in love with it. Bookworm fun is everywhere!
The blades of love grass insist on pasting each page. The blades peek out from the top of the mountain. It looks like the grass is performing various interesting performances on the book. These marked pages are your ideals. Books, like large reference dictionaries, cookbooks, picture books and more.