At the right time, Shengchen Zhou and I returned to Zhongzhou together. Because of the death of Dr. Guang Guang, I have to mourn at an appropriate time, so I can't come back with Shengchen Zhou. When Shengchen Zhou left, she said that it would be two years before she could return to Xizhou, because at that time she would pay a New Year call to her uncle for two years. So she left for Xizhou after the mourning period, and she also went with many domestic soldiers. On the way back to Xizhou, she happened to save Shaoyang who was running away. After solving the difficulties of Yongcheng, Shaoyang told her that she didn't want to go to the north again.
Shaoyang kidnapped the timely senior sister Qiao Feng on the way, but when he saw it, he told Shaoyang not to save him. Later, for greater safety, Shaoyang kidnapped the timely senior sister. The main reason for his kidnapping was to save his former master, but the person he saved was a recidivist in Wang Jun, Chen Nan. If he doesn't kidnap her, he can't leave Xizhou safely, so he can only kidnap her. Only by taking people from Wang Jun, Chen Nan as hostages can we ensure that we can leave Xizhou safely. Knowing that the time was ripe, he followed and went for the second time, but neither one thought that this trip might be an unforgettable trip in their lives.
The above contents only represent my personal views. Please forgive me if there is any mistake.