You may be unable to connect to PSN. In most cases, the main cause of such problems is not serious and will usually go away once the server is repaired. However, there may be situations where some users cannot fully access PSN.
If your PS5 cannot connect to the PlayStation Network, it may be caused by one of the following factors: Server issues. Many people receive error messages stating that the most common reason why their PS5 cannot connect to PSN is due to server outage. Sony's PSN may experience glitches, or it may be temporarily offline for important maintenance. Sometimes, PSN will simply go offline due to unforeseen circumstances such as excessive server capacity. The local network is not working properly. For others, the main reason PSN may be inaccessible on their PS5 isn't a server failure, but an issue in their home network. If your router is unresponsive, or there are issues with your Internet service provider's endpoint, this can also cause problems connecting to PlayStation servers. A common problem at home is low bandwidth or slow connection speeds. You can run a speed test on your PS5 to see which part of your connection isn't working, or if your download speed isn't optimal for connecting to PSN. Account issues. A small number of people may be unable to connect to PSN on PS5 due to their accounts being suspended or banned. Be sure to check the email associated with your PSN account to see if there has been any communication from Sony regarding the status of your account. If you can connect to the PlayStation Network but can't play online on any multiplayer games, it's most likely due to an expired PSN membership. Make sure to check your PSN subscription status to see if this is the cause. Wifi signal interference. For those who play games while using their home wifi, another possible reason why the PS5's connection is not working properly could be signal interference. To find out if this is the case, try connecting your PS5 directly to your router using an Ethernet cable. If you can connect to PSN and it's working, you'll need to troubleshoot your wireless network.
Solution: 1 Double-check your PSN account. If your PS5 has a good IP address and is able to connect to the Internet, try checking for system updates again, as mentioned above. If the update console still won't let you connect to PSN, make sure you verify that your account email and password are correct. You can do this by logging out of your PSN account and logging in again. If there seems to be a problem with your PSN account, try signing it using your smartphone or computer. If there's something wrong with your email address or password, you'll have to fix it first. 2Try another PSN account. If your PS5 is still unable to connect to PSN at this point, try to see if it's related to your account being suspended or banned. If you have another PlayStation account, try connecting to PSN using that account. If the second PSN account is valid, you will need to contact Sony for help with the primary account. 3Use a wired connection. If you want to stream online on PS5, the ideal connection setup to use is an Ethernet link to your router. If you can't connect your PS5 to your router via a LAN cable, try moving it closer to your router to see if there's an issue with getting a good wifi signal.