The steps are as follows:
1. Right-click "Computer" - "Manage" - "Disk Management", delete the last disk (remember to transfer important files first), Calculate the storage space you want Linux to occupy, then create a new partition whose size is the size of the deleted disk partition minus the space that Linux will occupy and format it as "FAT32". The size of this disk should not exceed 32GB, otherwise it will not work. format. Download mint17 from the official website and place it in the newly created partition.
2. The latest Chinese version of easyBCD is installed on Win7. When installing easyBCD, just click the default next step. This software can be uninstalled after installing dual systems.
3. Click "Add New Enty" - "NeoGrub" - "Istall", and then click "Configure" that appears. A text box will appear on the screen. Add the following code after the text box and save:
title Install Linux Mint
root (hd0,x)
kernel (hd0,x)/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename =/linuxmint17.iso locale=zh_CN.UTF-8
initrd (hd0,x)/initrd.lz
4. Note that the “x” above is the partition number of the disk , right-click "Computer" - "Management" - "Disk Management" on the PC to check which partition the logical partition of the hard disk starts from. If the image file is saved in the first logical partition, then "x ” is changed to 4, and so on. Another point to note is that the blue "linuxmint17" in the above code is the file name of the downloaded image file, which must be consistent with the file name of the downloaded image file, otherwise your work will be in vain. Last but not least, the red ".iso" in the code must be added, even if it is not in the image file name.
5. Restart the computer, select Linux Mint to start, enter the Mint installation interface, click on the terminal, enter: sudo umount -l /isodevice and press the Enter key, double-click the desktop icon to install linux mint 17.
6. After installing the system, restart, choose to enter Win7, open easyBCD, "Add New Entry"--"Linux/BSD"--"Add Entry".
The name in "Name" can be arbitrary. In the "Drive" drop-down menu, select the root directory where Linux was just installed and save it.
7. Now you can clear the Linux image and other files, format the disk as "NTFS", and uninstall easyBCD.