1. Hearing is the common name of the legislative hearing system. It means that the legislative body takes the form of a meeting to discuss whether a certain social issue needs to be solved by legislation, or whether the content of the draft is reasonable and feasible during the legislative process. Procedural system for listening to public opinions directly and directly. It is open and transparent; fair and objective; and has strong procedural characteristics.
The hearing is organized in accordance with the following procedures:?
(1) If the party concerned requests a hearing, it shall be submitted within three days after being notified by the administrative agency;?< /p>
(2) The administrative agency shall notify the parties of the time and place of the hearing seven days before the hearing;?
(3) Except when it involves state secrets, commercial secrets or personal privacy, The hearing shall be held in public;
(4) The hearing shall be presided over by a non-investigator designated by the administrative agency; if the parties believe that the presiding officer has a direct interest in the case, they have the right to apply for recusal;
< p>(5) The parties may participate in the hearing in person, or they may entrust one or two people to represent them; Defense and cross-examination;?(7) A transcript shall be made of the hearing; the transcript shall be signed or sealed by the parties concerned after review and verification.
1. The specific process of the hearing
1. Regarding the decision to hold a hearing
Whether the hearing of a special committee or working agency needs to be reported to the chairman Approval by the meeting or directors' meeting was an issue that was considered during the drafting process of the model draft. Now there is no provision in the model draft. Please consider whether it is feasible. Japan requires approval by the Speaker. The situation in the United States requires consulting experts here.
2. Regarding the hearing announcement
As for the content of the hearing announcement, the model draft not only stipulates the time, place, purpose, etc., but also emphasizes the matters to be addressed and related to the hearing. Necessary background information should be introduced, and the information contained in the introduction should be sufficient to enable the public to judge whether the hearing matter will affect them. In other words, the introduction to the hearing matters should be relatively detailed. Otherwise, if the public does not know the issues involved in the hearing matters and whether it will affect them, they will not care about it and will not participate in the hearing. Then the hearing will not be able to collect the real opinions of the public.
3. Regarding the determination of the hearing statement
The model draft stipulates the principles of determination, that is, the principles of fairness, reasonableness, and equality. At the same time, four determination methods are specified. First, the number of applicants for hearing statements is less than the number listed in the hearing announcement. If the hearing agency believes that a hearing can be held, all eligible applicants should be listed as hearing statements. The second is to determine the hearing presenters in the order of registration time. Third, some people can have priority, mainly representatives elected by a certain group. The fourth is a hearing statement candidate or interested person who the staff of the hearing agency has interviewed and believes that the person holds important opinions and is indeed necessary to participate in the hearing.
4. Regarding hearing obligations
The provisions of Article 21 of the model draft are mainly for state agencies, public institutions and other organizations that understand certain matters due to their responsibilities. situation, the hearing agency requires it to provide information to the legislative body but refuses to provide the information. It should be noted that there should be no privileges for such declarants. They should not only be required to provide written materials, but also be required to attend the hearing to accept cross-examination by the hearing officer and other hearing declarants.
5. Regarding the confidentiality and fees of hearing statements
This provision is a responsibility imposed on the hearing agency. One is the responsibility of confidentiality. Some of the personal information in the resume of the hearing statement may involve his or her personal privacy. The hearing agency shall not make it public without the person's consent. This is the right of individual citizens in modern society. Second, if the person declaring the hearing is really in difficulty, the hearing agency can provide him or her with reasonable expenses for attending the hearing. Hearing agencies do not need to pay the fees incurred by all hearing speakers because attending hearings to provide information to the legislature is both a citizen's right and a citizen's obligation. However, reasonable fees can be paid to some people whose lives are particularly difficult, such as urban residents living below the minimum living standard, disabled people with difficulties, farmers and herdsmen in remote mountainous areas, etc.
6. Observation
The determination of the auditors should be based on the people's court's auditing methods and determined in the order of arrival at the venue. In addition, the hearing agency should ensure that the media attends the hearing and reports on it.
II. Disciplinary Matters
1. All participants must wear valid certificates issued by the conference affairs team and enter the meeting with the certificate.
2. Please enter the venue 10 minutes in advance and turn off communication tools during the meeting.
3. Please do not smoke, move around, make noise or engage in other activities that interfere with the order of the hearing in the venue.
4. Considering the limited time for hearing representatives to speak, this hearing will not arrange for representatives to speak and reporters to ask questions. If the audience representatives have any comments or suggestions, they can fill out the "Audience Representatives Opinion Form" and submit it to the conference affairs team after the meeting.
5. When the hearing representative speaks, please raise your hand first and speak with the consent of the host. When the hearing representative speaks, other hearing representatives can interrupt with the consent of the host, but they should be as brief as possible. Please speak Mandarin when speaking.
6. Hearing representatives should introduce themselves when speaking for the first time, and their speaking time should be limited to 10 minutes. If time permits and with the consent of the moderator, you may speak briefly again.
7. When speaking, please have a clear point of view, be concise and to the point, and do not repeat yourself. Please focus your speech on asking questions to the applicant and making comments on the plan. Finally, express your opinion on the price adjustment plan.
8. After the meeting, the hearing representative is asked to stay to review and sign the hearing transcript. All participants must return the certificates issued by the conference affairs team to the conference affairs group.