1. accident, accident
Adventure ['adventure] n. 1.adventure; take a risk
Advertising ['ad] a. 3.
Ambulance ambulance
5. anxious, anxious
Apologize, apologize. apology
Appearance ['appearance] a. 7. Appearance; facial features
8. Date of appointment
9. Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. Be grateful
10. Audience audience
1 1. Average, average; General; Average; Ordinary average value
12. luggage, luggage.
13. Bamboo, bamboo
A beard (on the chin)
15. Behavior.
16. blame, blame 5. blame; reproach
17. Bleeding, bleeding. Bleeding, bleeding
18. Telephone booth
/kloc ['kloc] n.9. Boring; boring
Breathe ['breath] n.vi. breathe
2 1. broadcast, broadcast; Broadcast.
22. Businessman, Businessman. entrepreneur
23. cameras, video cameras; Camera; camera
Candle, candle
Carrots. Carrots
Ceiling ['Ceiling] a. 26. Ceiling.
27. celebrate, celebrate
28. centigrade, centigrade
29. Century, one hundred years
Certificate, certificate.
3 1. Chain Store
Cheek, cheek
33. Chemical chemistry
Round ['round] a. 34. round ...
35. Classic [5 klasikel] A. Traditional; Classic
Climate ['climate] n.
37. Clinic, clinic
38. College, KCl·IDV College; teacher training school
39. comfortable [5 kqmfetebl] A. comfortable; Comfort; Comfortable and comfortable
40. comment, comment.
4 1. communication [ke5mju: nikeit] v. communication; Convey (feelings, information, etc.). )
Comparison; Compare.
43. composition ['knt] a. composition; write music
44. conceived ['conception] a. complacent
45. condition ['condition] n.
46. Conference (formal) meeting; discuss
Congratulations ['congratulations] n.
Satisfaction ['satisfaction] a. 48. Satisfaction; satisfaction; satisfaction.
49. convenient ['convenience] a. convenient
50. checkout counter
5 1.
Crazy ['crazy] a. 53. Crazy.
Crowded ['crowded] a. 54. crowded
55. curious ['curious] a. curious; horrible
56. daily, daily; Daily; Daily advertisement. daily paper
57. damage; Damage. Destroy, damage
58. Wet, wet. Wet (wet)
59. dangerous, dangerous
60. daughter
Dawn, dawn, dawn
Deadline, deadline
63. December; February
Delicious ['yummy] a. delicious; delicious.
65. delivery, delivery. Deliver (letters, parcels, etc.). )
Dentist dentist
67. description; Description.
68. destroy, destroy. sabotage
69. confirm; Decide. Decide; determination
70. Development leads to development; Development; Development; develop photographic pictures
7 1. dedication, dedication. Dedication ...; Use ... exclusive (for).
72. Diary, diary; Diary. diary
Dictionary, dictionary
74. Dining room
75. disadvantage ['disadvantage] n.disadvantage; weakness
76. disappear, disappear. disappear
77. disasters; Disaster; Disaster. disaster
78. discover, discover.
80. faraway ['faraway] a.
8 1. region, region; Area. region
82. Disturb, disgust, disgust. Disturb; hinder
83. Division; Divide.
84. Dizzy, dizzy
85. Download [daun5leud] n.&; Download (computer language)
86. Drawer, drawer
Drunk ['drunken] a. 87. Drunk.
Easy-going ['easygoing] n.easy-going.
89. education ['education] n.education.
90. hard ['hard] n.
9/kloc ['kloc] n.0/.Electricity; electric current
92. encourage, encourage
93. Endless, endless; Endless; everlasting
94. zoom in, zoom in.
95. Entertainment, entertainment
96. entrance ['entrance] a. entrance. Admission; The right to enter; Admission permit
97.envelopes, envelopes
98. Environment, environment
99. Especially ad. Special, especially.
100. Check, check. Check; examination
10 1.
102. Exit, emergency exit
103. Expect, expect. Expectation; Hope; think
/kloc ['kloc] n.4. Experience; experience; experience
/kloc ['kloc] n.5. Expert; expert.
106. Explain, explain.
Express, express, express. Expression; Express delivery; Express delivery
Failure, failure.
109. quite, quite Fairness and justice; To a considerable extent
1 10. familiar, familiar
1 1 1. favorite person or thing
1 12. February, February
1 13. festive
1 14. Company; Enterprise A. Strong and firm
1 15. foggy, foggy example
/kloc ['kloc] n.0/16. Following; follow
1 17. forgetful, inattentive
1 18. predecessor [5fc: me] a. predecessor; The former (of the two)
1 19. Lucky, lucky; Lucky; lucky
/kloc ['kloc] a. 0/20. Frozen; frozen; Icy
121.frequency [5fri: kwent] a. General; frequent
122. Fresh, fresh
123. refrigerator, freezer.
124. make fear, make fear. To scare.
126. gradually, gradually. Gradually
127. graduation, graduation.
128. grateful.
Habit, habit.
130. Hard-working
13 1. beneficial, beneficial
132. hobbies, hobbies.
133. Honest and upright
134. Imagine.
135. Immediately, immediately. immediately
136. impossible
137. Impression, impression.
138. improve.
139. including, including.
140. increase v. & increase, multiply
14 1 independent; independent; strong-minded
142. information, news.
143. Plan, plan.
/kloc ['kloc] n.44. Interest; interest. interest
145. international
146. Internet, Internet.
147. Interview [5 intevju:] n.&; Interview, interview, interview
148. January, January.
/kloc ['kloc] n.49. Journey; journey; journey.
150. Primary; Primary; puisne
15 1. Justice, justice, justice. Justice; Referee
152. km
153. Kindergarten
/kloc ['kloc] a. 54. Kind-hearted.
/kloc ['kloc] a. 0/55. Kitchen.
156. knowledge; knowledge.
158. lame ['kloc] n.
/kloc ['kloc] n.59. lamp; light source
160. Language, language
161.latest [5 leitist] a. latest, latest; The latest news
162. The latter, the latter
/kloc ['kloc] a. 0/63. Learned; talented; learned
164. lecture ['kloc] n.
165. license ['kloc] n.
166. garbage, waste.
/kloc ['kloc] a. 0/67. Lively; nimble
168. local, local; Local; local
/kloc ['kloc] a. 0/69. Lovely and lovely.
/kloc ['kloc] n.70. luggage; luggage; luggage
17 1. magazine, magazine
172. Majority [example].
173. Manager, manager
174. marriage ['kloc] n.
175. materials, materials.
176. Meanwhile. meanwhile
177. measure, measure
Medicine ['med] n.
Memory, memory
/kloc ['kloc] n.80. mention; mention. Record. Mention, talk about; Nomination praise
18 1. Message [5mesidv] n
182. method, method
183. Ethnic minorities. Ethnic minorities
184. misunderstanding; Misunderstanding; Misunderstanding; don't understand; ignorant of
185.Model [5mdl] n model, prototype; Examples; example
186. Modest, modest; Modest. mild
/kloc ['kloc] n.87. Neat; neat; Easy to do
/kloc ['kloc] n.88. necessary; necessary
189. Neighbor, neighbor.
Nephew, nephew
/kloc ['kloc] n.0/91nervous; nervous
/kloc ['kloc] n.92. network; network.
Niece, niece
194. November, November
195. Today, today. Today, now
196. October [CK 5th] N. 10/October
197. officials, officials; Officials; Civil servants and officials; Police, officer
198. opinions.
199. on the contrary, on the contrary
200. Ordinary, ordinary
2 19. Practice
Preparation; get ready Get ready, get ready; Make up/make up/make up/make up/make up/configure/make up/make up (a bed)
22 1. Now; now. gift
President ['president] a. 222. President; chairman
Pressure ['pressure] n.223.pressure; pressure
Pretend, pretend. Pretend, pretend
225. Prevention, prevention.
Primary schools
227. Professor, professor
228. Procedure, procedure American procedure. project
Progress ['progress] n.progress. Progress; continue
230. Promise, promise. Promise, promise
23 1. Pronunciation.
Appropriate ['kknt] a. 232. Appropriate.
233. Protection, protection.
234. proud; Proud; Proud. proud
235. prove
Provide [pre-5v assistance] vt.
237. Province, province
Punctual ['punctuality] a. 238. punctual
239. purpose ['objective] a. purpose
Confused ['confused] a. 240. confused
Quality; Quality; quality
Quantity ['quantity] n.
Quiet ['quiet] a. 1.quiet; quiet
Swift ['swifty] a. 244. Swift; swift
Conscious ['awareness] n.
Reasonable ['reasonable] n.reasonable
247. Receipt receipt
Reception ['reception] n.248.reception.
249 249. Recognize [`reke naiz] (recognize).
250. [reke5mend] v] v is recommended.
25 1. Restore, restore. Restore; recover
252. Reduce, reduce.
Refuse, refuse
Register ['register] a. 254. Register; register; register
255.relative relative
256. Remind; Remind. Remind, remind
257. Representative, representative.
258. respect, respect & respect, respect
259. Restaurant, restaurant, restaurant
260. Around the island [5 raundebaut] a. Bypass, indirect; Turntable road
26/kloc ['kloc] n.1.garbage; waste
Safety ['safety] a. 262.
263. salary, salary
264. say ['kju] n.
266. scientific; scientific
267. secretary, secretary secretary
268. Very little, very little. Rarely, not often.
270. separate; separate; separate
27 1. September.
Serious ['serious] a. 1.serious; serious; serious
273. Serious, serious. A few, a few
274. coming ['kknt] n.
275. Soon, soon. Soon.
Shoulder ['shoulder] n.shoulder. shoulder
Shower ['shower] n.277. Shower. shower
Sightseeing ['sight-seeing] n.
279. Signal [〔5si^nl〕n] n] signal
280. Signature, signature.
28/kloc ['kloc] a. 0/Silent; silent.
Similar ['similar] a. 282.
283. sincere, sincere. sincerely
284. Skilled [skills] A. Skilled; Skilled
Sleepy ['sleepy] a. 285. sleepy, sleepy
286. slight, slight
287. Smart [SMB: T] A. Smart and clever; (person, clothing, etc) fashionable and beautiful.
Social ['socialization] a. 288. Social; Sociable
289. society ['social] n.
Special ['knt] a. 290. Special.
29 1. Standard (of)
292. steal, steal, steal.
Straight ['straight] a. straight.
Stranger, stranger
295. strength, strength
296. Strengthen, strengthen.
298. successful, accomplished
299. Suggestions, suggestions.
300. appropriate; appropriate; appropriate
30 1. Support; Support. & support, sponsor
302. Suppose.
Tear, tear
304. Technology, technology
Juvenile [5ti: n7eIdve] n. (13 ~19 years old) Juvenile, juvenile.
Temperature; Temperature.
Nervous ['tense] a. nervous and nervous
Terrible ['terrible] a. 308. terrible; horrible
309. Theatre Theatre
3 10. There, there. So, so.
3 1 1. Thursday, Thursday.
3/kloc ['kloc] n.1.0/2. Tired; tireless
3 13. Traffic lights.
3/kloc ['kloc] n.4. training; training.
3 15. transportation [trans5pc: t] n. transport
3 16. Trouble [5 trqblsm] A. Annoying; annoying
Trust, trust.
3 18. Truth, fact, truth and actual situation
3 19. The twelfth number. twelfth
320. Twentieth number. twentieth
Typist, typist
Umbrella, umbrella
323. Unemployment
Unfortunately [qn5fc: tjjnetli] ad. Unfortunately.
325. unified, unified
326. Universities, universities.
327 327. Not like [〔5Qn5laik〕 prep. No, it's different from ...
Unusual ['unusual] a.
329. upset, upset
Holiday ['holiday] n.holiday
33 1. A valuable example
332. Various cases.
333. vegetables, vegetables
334. Victory, victory
Viruses. virus
Visitors, visitors
Vocabulary ['vocabulary] a. 337.
Volleyball ['volleyball] n.
Voyage, voyage IDV.
Waist [west] waist, waist, waist circumference
34 1. Waitress, waitress.
Enthusiastic ['enthusiastic] a.
343. Wednesday, Wednesday
344. willing; Willing. willing
Wisdom ['wit] n.345.wisdom.
Wonderful ['splendid] a. 346. Wonderful; wonderful; Great; great
Worried, worried
348. injured; injured; injured
Youth ['youth] a. 349. Youth; youth
350. zebra crossing (zebra crossing)