Are these adida basketball shoes good?
This shoe is Adidas TS LIGHTSPEED, which was signed by the Adidas team in 2008. The color scheme in your picture should be for Tim Duncan. The main technology is full palm AdiPRENE+ (an elastic rubber). I can't see it now, but it's relatively light, and it's ok if you buy it for 400-500. After all, Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Billups and McGrady all wore them, which was the main style of the year. This is a very old shoe. Garnett and Duncan endorsed this shoe three years ago. It's Adidas TS LIGHTSPEED, which was signed by the Adidas team in 2008. The color scheme in your picture should be for Tim Duncan. The main technology is full palm AdiPRENE+ (an elastic rubber). I can't see it now, but it's relatively light, and it's ok if you buy it for 400-500. After all, Tim Duncan, Kevin Garnett, Billups and McGrady all wore them, which was the main style of the year. Our center shoes are TS series!