\ tfunctiongetURLParameter(name){
returndecodeURIComponent((new regexp([? | & amp]'+name+'='+'([^&; ; ]+? )(& amp|#|; |$)').exec(location.search)||[," "])[ 1]。 replace(/\+/g,' % 20 ')| | null;
\ tvar orgid = getURLParameter(' orgid ');
\ tvarorglevel = getURLParameter(' org level ');
\ t console . log(' orgid = '+orgid);
\ t console . log(' org level = '+org level);
Extended data
Pass parameters and get parameters through url address in html:
varurl = document . location . tostring(); //get url address
varurlParmStr = URL . slice(URL . index of('?' ))+ 1); //Get all strings after the question mark.
vararr = urlparmstr . split(' & amp;' )); //Pass &; Symbol splits a string into an array.
varcourseId=arr[0]。 split(" = "[ 1]; //Get the first parameter in the array
varunit_title=arr[ 1]。 split(" = "[ 1]; //The second parameter
unit _ title = decode uri(unit _ title); //transcoding changes the decoding mode unscape to decodeURI to obtain Chinese parameters.
console . log(unit _ title);