From where? bs4? Import? Beautiful voice
Import? about
headers = { ' User-Agent ':' Mozilla/5.0? (Windows? NT? 6. 1; ? WOW64)? AppleWebKit/537.36? (KHTML,? Like what? Gecko)? Chrome/49.0.2623.22 1? Safari/537.36? SE? 2.x? MetaSr? 1.0'}
def? Get the URL:
url='/position.php? keywires = Test & amp; Tid = 0 & Start =% s # a "%s"
soup=BeautifulSoup(res,' lxml ')'table.tablelist? tr’)
Text=s[ 1:- 1]
For what? Me? Are you online? Text:
Job={' job name': None,
Location Category': None,
Number', None,
Location': None,
Release Time': None}
L=i.text.strip('?' )). Split ('?' )
Job ['position name' ]=L[0]
Job ['position category' ]=L[ 1]
Job[' number of people' ]=L[2]
Job ['location' ]=L[3]
Job ['Release Time' ]=L[4]
ALL.append (job)
For what? Me? Are you online? Range (0, 10 1, 10):
Get the website (1)
Print(ALL) Your question should be about the field key, which is unique. Multiple results will be overwritten, and adding a list to express them can avoid this problem.