* * Archive succeeded * *
20 17-0 1-05 14:09:45.534 xcode build[53098:5 148 140][MT]IDEDistribution:-[idedistributionloggingbundleatpath:] : The package was created at the path'/var/Folders/Gy/ql0cRK9D28N9HXMP88JBH5FH0000GN/T/T.
1.2.840. 1 13635. 100. 1.6 1
2017-01-0514:10: 07.489xcode build [53098: 5148140] [mt] ide distribution. : errordomain = idedistributionerrordomaincode =14 "No applicable device found." Userinfo = {nslocalized description = No applicable device found. }
Error: exportArchive: no applicable device found.
Errordomain = Idedistributionerrordomain code =14 "No applicable device found." Userinfo = {nslocalized description = No applicable device found. }
* * Export failed * *
After that, I tried all the methods that Baidu and Google could try, but it still didn't work out!
Looking at the appeal log, xcode generated a log _ createloggingboundlepath, opened the log directory, and found an error in the IDEDistribution.standard.log file.
2017-01-0512: 51:47+0000 error: the Info.plist of "xxxx _ xx.app/xqtnowpayresource.bundle" specifies the CFBundleExecutable key.
Find the Info.plist file, delete the wrong option, and repackage successfully!