Tang Hanyu's Answer to Yin Shi Yu Shu: "A name does not rot." Song Sushi's Book with Uncle: "Zhong Chengfu and Assistant Minister Sun Xin recommended it, and one of them is also named." In the Qing Dynasty, Ren An went to worship books with Wu: "An Shang also had to be named the last Jane."
2. Take an empty name and do nothing.
Chapters 3 and 5 of Officialdom in Appearance: "Although Master He is nominally in charge of accounts at this time, in fact, none of them have done accounts since the independent people took over." Lu Xun's letter to He Jiahuai: "It is not difficult to sign, but it is boring to be named."
3. Another meaning of nominal: a form of affiliated unit of an enterprise (nominal), which only registers the business ownership of the enterprise in the local government or departments with economic entities and exercises independent economic accounting system and legal responsibilities. In fact, there is no personnel relationship and economic exchanges with affiliated units.