Gavin: In this world, wealth can't be lewd, and poverty can't be moved. The article is overwhelming, Confucius is in Bang Chen; Excellent martial arts, squire fishing in Weihe River. Yan Yuan's life is short, he is not a vicious person; Stealing feet is old, so he is a kind person. Emperor Yao was wise, but he gave birth to a black sheep; Gu Sou is stupid, but he is a filial son. Zhang Liangyuan is a civilian, and Xiao He is called a county magistrate. Yan Zi, who was less than five feet tall, was appointed Prime Minister of Qi. Kongming, who lives in the thatched cottage, can become a strategist of Shu Han. Although Chu Ba was a hero, he was defeated by Wujiang River and committed suicide. Although Hanwang is weak, it has Wan Li. Li Guang has the power to shoot tigers, not to be old; Feng Tang has the talent of Lapras, but he has never met him in his life. When Han Xin didn't meet, he didn't have three meals a day. When we met, there was a three-foot decree hanging around our waist. Once he declined and died at the hands of Yin people.
Have a plenty of poor before getting rich, have a plenty of young and old Xian Yi. Full article, white hair actually missed; I am just a scholar, a teenager and a student. Gonge in the deep courtyard was transported back to be a prostitute; A romantic prostitute, when the time comes, deserves to be a wife.