The first step is to register an account. First, we need to register an account with our mobile phone number and log in to the exam online 365 online exam platform.
The second step is to create the exam. After the administrator registers to access Examination Online 365, he or she can log in to the management background of Examination Online 365 through the management login portal.
The third step is to publish the exam. The last step is to publish the exam. After completing the exam configuration, click the publish button, and the test paper can be put into normal use. The system will automatically generate a variety of exam entrances, and candidates can enter the exam through the entrances.
After the exam is completed, the system will automatically mark the exam and intelligently analyze the results. Moreover, Exam Online 365 not only meets the needs of intelligent paper composition, automatic grading, online marking, and exam homework.
You can also turn on the camera to regularly capture the test status and environment of the candidates to implement online proctoring and prevent cheating.
When the candidate enters the exam answer interface, a prompt message will pop up on the page to remind the candidate of the screenshot rules (if the exam is taken using a computer browser, the exam interface will be automatically screenshotted). If the number of screen cuts exceeds the set number, the system will force you to hand in the test paper.
Intelligent paper composition can also disrupt multiple-choice and true-false questions